The Rabbit Hole

Yeah, they both added a lot to the place. I’m concerned bout Dev. Ain’t good when one of us “old farts” disappears.

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There were a lot of good field commanders at Nam in the sixties – some WWII and several Korean vets. The gooks were good fighters but had we been turned loose we would have cleaned the place up in a year. You’re absolutely correct – we kicked ass during tet. After Korea, VietNam was a war that should never have been.


What those idiots seem to forget is that plants need Co2
No Co2 - no plants.
No plants - no food
No food - no ppl.
And whwn are they gonna ban volcanoes.

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Killing all the plants will certainly keep the cows from farting…thus save the world! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


They are the same people in another guise, same as anti capitalists, anarchists, pro EU… Did you see them doing their weird dancing and yoga in central London, causing havoc and disruption? The pigs arrest them as a token gesture then let them out straight away to continue.

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Has the whole world lost its fucking marbles.

I just read the whole press release. :+1:

That is actually a powerful argument for eating meat.
Meat is going to decompose one way or another, whereas cutting down plants and eating those represents the release of trapped greenhouse gases that would otherwise remain contained.

Alex is alive and well and visiting The Tomb

Still no word on Sean… :confused:

what is the tomb???

A tomb is a womb for cadavers. :wink:

FF- Forex Factory…

As Magog wrote…

Where I got banned for questioning the intelligence of the left and the original RH got booted out with me.

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A slight correction is in order. The “intelligence of the left” is and has long been limited to a scant few people, the late Gore Vidal being among them.

I watched AG Barr give his news conference yesterday. One thing glaringly clear – he is through, brilliant and as unimtimidatable as Trump. The shit is hitting the fan as I write. Rosenstein, standing behind him looked like a man being led to the gallows. I’m sure he has been asked why he appointed a special counsel without a underlying crime and why he applied for FISA warrants based on what he knew to be a piece of fake shit generated by the clintons.

The more the marxist democrats panic, the crazier they will get. Again, they are being fully exposed for the first time in my lifetime.

questioning the intelligence of the left? you must have major headaches from banging your head in frustration , the left are a bunch of wackadoos.

I stopped questioning them decades ago, my mission is to expose them for their incompetence

A theft in broad daylight! Crazy! The thieves were stealing the cat converter from the Prius because it contains rhodium, palladium and platinum.

A high power rifle with a scope comes in handy to scare the pajeebies out of these lowlifes! Well at least the license plate number was caught on camera!

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In America they would have shot their ass
and they guns are a problem?

I think a gun would have been an appropriate response.

thieves have no fear when guns are not available.

@robgsxr, @asaratis, @SixFoot, @Leatherneck

Uploaded today. This is me on La Face de Bellevarde, the men’s Olympic downhill (Albertville 1992). It’s pretty flat till lemmings hill, then it’s like that all the way down. I get involved in a little race at the end and lose. :rofl:

La Face distance: 3km, vertical descent: 970m

This is what lemmings hill looks like during busier times.

Me in the orange and dark blue jacket on a gentle run down from the Grand Motte glacier to Tignes Val Claret.