The Rabbit Hole

The written form.

Really happy that with the country in such turmoil mrs traitor may has the time for a walking holiday in North Wales.

You’re a bundle of joy aren’t you? Got back late last night. :smile:

Yes ecstatic ! Trust you had a nice time on your favourite slippery stuff.:grin:

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Yes. It must be exactly the same as one in vid though, just to clarify !! :grin:

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It appears @AlexC is also awol now along with @devauxt .

Truer words never spoken!

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Again, words of wisdom. I remember the day well when that socialist bastard, cronkite, said that. I got orders the next year, knowing then that our news media and many of our politicians had turned on their own military – yet they kept the returning American casualties running strong for several years.

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Very interesting times in the USA. It seems the new attorney general, Bill Barr the real deal. It is reported by people I trust that he is furious at the attempted coup of a legitimate president and the two tiered justice system we now have as us “normal” Americans. The dem - marxist in a absolute panic. The full mueller joke comes out tomorrow. Ain’t nowhere for them to turn after that. The following sums it up better than I can.

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LOL :grin:

they glued themselves to his fence? wow
between eco dancers and people glueing themselves, I have to ask, don’t these people have jobs to go to?

If these idiots lived in America and glued themselves to politicians homes they are protesting, I can see pranksters beaning them with eggs and water balloons , using them for target practice

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< gasp! >
Maybe they’ve both been taken to Guantanamo…

I will check on Alex the next time I log into The Tomb.

According to the User list, @AlexC has visited here everyday for the past week… @devauxt hasn’t been here in over a month.

I miss them both.

I hope the Provos haven’t got him

AlexC, the guy with the cool memes, I haven’t seen his stuff in a while, I hope he is okay?

And Devauxt, another good guy, hope they are okay, I enjoy reading their posts vs guys like Jitts who is a complete moron.

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The interesting thing is that the Tet offensive destroyed the Vet Cong and most of the NVA in the south. Little facts ignored by the media. Imagine of the US would hav pursued the NVA and Viet Cong at that point, the out com would have been completely different.

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The redacted version will come out tomorrow and then the fun begins with lawsuits etc. Th left will never let it go always sure there has to be something actionable.

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AG Barr news briefing expected at 9:30 AM EST