The Rabbit Hole

By technology you must be referring to…
Hypersonic Nukes to kill us all
Or AI to make our jobs redundant
Or HAAARP to blow us all away
Or Self driving cars to prevent us from driving
Or Internet censorship that prevents us from speaking
Or maybe we will figure out how to get through the Van Aollen belt and we can all fuck off to Mars - Good luck with that one - have you seen the weather on Mars lately?

doesnt affect my life, we have had nuclear weapons and the threat since we nuked Nagasaki and Hiroshima, so your point is what?

Not all jobs will be redundant

oh God another conspiracy theorist , next

There a ton of people who shouldnt drive, how many road accident deaths have there been just this year alone?

That has nothing do with technology

what is the weather like on your home planet?

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Yep and I bet you still believe Saddam had WMD’s
JFK was killed with a magic bullet
Gulf of Tonkin really happened
J*** come from I*****l

Dude, you’ve picked the wrong guy to argue this shit with

  1. Saddam had WMD’s in the 80’s as the American sold him the blue prints, he didn’t have them when America invaded Iraq in 2003, Saddam lied to the world telling them that he had them to make himself look mightier than he was, German, British, Canadian, Israeli(ooops) all confirmed it

I believed Bush used that as an excuse to invade and to remove Saddam.

  1. JFK? I dont give a rats ass who shot the guy, whether it was the mob (Marcello’s,Giancana and Trafficante), the CIA , the Soviets, Castro , don’t know and dont care.

  2. Gulf of Tonkin, anything that came out of McNamara’s lips was B.S.
    ever heard of McNamara’s morons?

Westmoreland was an idiot, McNamara was an idiot, LBJ was a bully and ego maniac and had no business being in the war, starting the war and risking all those lives.


Bush used 9/11 and WMDs as an excuse to invade Iraq.
He removed Saddam to make it look like that was the reason for invading.

I wish I could go back to the 70s; I would find that chappie Maus Gatsonides and, at the very least, put the severe frighteners on him!

So you do, or did believe in conspiracy theories then - why are you arguing with me - seems we agree abt most things



First TR now Sargon - things could get interesting soon.

And more abt Assange

Technically that is not true! Iraq was invaded because Saddam violated international Law and the terms of his treaty from the first Gulf War. WMD’s was a media talking point designed as a distraction.

How many run-of-the-mill terrorists was Iraq worth? Afghanistan?

Depending on who you ask, a few million or so. To hell with the foreplay leading up to the fight. lol

Easy for you to say, it was the catalyst for the economic-migrant-tsunami.

@Dr_Manhattan seems we have slightly different view on the reasons for Iraq-war-2.
The popular view is because “Dubya” wanted to finish what daddy started.

Its not a matter of view its actual facts. There was an entire debate of preeminent invasion because the UN wouldn’t enforce the mandate that was set forth after Saddam was chased out of Kuwait and it was a first for US military and was a major reason why so many were against it. Saddam flouted his nose at the UN and failed to comply. Had he complied its quite possible he would still be alive today.

What (briefly) were the mandate terms that Saddam flouted?

One of them was he wouldn’t allow inspectors from the security council to come in and do their inspections as agreed to under the ceasefire agreement. That was the biggest issue, as he kicked them out of the country.

I remember Hans Blick arguing that he should have more time because Saddam had started cooperating. Anyway … I also remember the propaganda machine lagging the war preparations, and Dr.David Kelly mysteriously committing suicide.

I don’t wish to reopen this smelly subject.

Yeah I do remember that too, but considering what I saw when I was there, I ended up having more questions than answers. Haliburton!

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I chalk that up to unintended consequences. As I type this, there are about 3,000+ Iraqi and Afghan nationals living here on Ft. Leonard Wood (that’s more than any given town in my county). You’d think that it would be a rare sight to women in full burqa being escorted around Wal-Mart buy their pimp-suit-wearing haji out here in the boonies, but there they are, shopping along side the hillbillies. :thinking:

Every time I see one, I can’t help but wonder if I killed one of their relatives. Good times, great dreams.

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The CIA didn’t help in their (oxymoron) intelligence.

Key Judgments

Iraq’s Weapons of Mass Destruction Programs

Iraq has continued its weapons of mass destruction (WMD) programs in defiance of UN resolutions and restrictions. Baghdad has chemical and biological weapons as well as missiles with ranges in excess of UN restrictions; if left unchecked, it probably will have a nuclear weapon during this decade.

Baghdad hides large portions of Iraq’s WMD efforts. Revelations after the Gulf war starkly demonstrate the extensive efforts undertaken by Iraq to deny information.

Since inspections ended in 1998, Iraq has maintained its chemical weapons effort, energized its missile program, and invested more heavily in biological weapons; most analysts assess Iraq is reconstituting its nuclear weapons program.

  • Iraq’s growing ability to sell oil illicitly increases Baghdad’s capabilities to finance WMD programs; annual earnings in cash and goods have more than quadrupled.
  • Iraq largely has rebuilt missile and biological weapons facilities damaged during Operation Desert Fox and has expanded its chemical and biological infrastructure under the cover of civilian production.
  • Baghdad has exceeded UN range limits of 150 km with its ballistic missiles and is working with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), which allow for a more lethal means to deliver biological and, less likely, chemical warfare agents.
  • Although Saddam probably does not yet have nuclear weapons or sufficient material to make any, he remains intent on acquiring them.

LBJ’s insistence on running the war was the primary reason for the problems incurred during the war. Walter Cronkite put the icing on the cake with his th war is lost whining after the TET offensive where the US destroyed theVC and severely damaged the NV’s.


How happy does it make you feel that this piece of crap will receive legal aid of course funded by our taxes. :rage: