The Rabbit Hole

Dead nuts on!

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It is interesting that our President appoints the chairman of the Federal Reserve (subject to Senate confirmation), but neither the President nor Congress can fire him/her later.

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And to complete the thought, a proper football is an oblate spheroid. :smiley:

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Conservative (in a political context) = favouring free enterprise, private ownership, and socially conservative ideas.

Islam is a fascist ideology


What a creative thinker, I’d be more concerned about the buyers :grin:

Only 2 clicks for news about the guy who was Blair’s chemical weapons expert…interesting.


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Stu, I think it means that no one believed it was suicide in the first place :rofl:

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Or should that be “creative stinker” ??

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In the blanket dismissal of let’s say information which makes your accepted facts look extremely flaky.

If that were the case it would have manifested to cause me an actual problem and my line of thinking has kept me just fine, therefore no problem.

So that is classed as you indulging me ? And yes again you know that I have never denied it and during those conversations I made it clear that there were anomalies which cast doubt on the official version of events. If you are too gullible to recognise some of those plain as day issues and the link to the ongoing multi million $ racket associated with this event, it is you who has a problem. My personal view is the treatment they received was no worse than what anyone else was receiving but was recognised as a money spinner. Just take a look at so many of the “Facts” that they have had to back track on because they had no evidence to support the hype.
It was an early version of the blame and claim culture that exists now.

You forgot the Moon landings. I’ve already made myself clear about the extent of my scepticism on the other two topics.

Some facts are more convenient than others, a bit like the pigs from Animal Farm.

I agree, it’s pointless when some people just can’t see the wood for the trees. It is a difficult pill to swallow to realise some of your accepted facts are BS but it’s not the fault of the individual it’s the messenger. Don’t take it personally, just look at poor old Dr.Kelly as a prime example if you can possibly dare to think that “Honest Tony” would lie to the public he was serving. What a stupid thought, he was PM he wouldn’t dare be a rotter would he…

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So genuine question Dev, why don’t you believe the official story ?

Everything I had read in the press at the time, just didn’t stack up, and Blair couldn’t afford for the truth to come out

Yes but that was more instinct as nothing was proven for you to come to that conclusion, so it was conspiracy thinking Dev.

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I understand that Stu, but the general consensus among my friends was the same, that everything reported didn’t stack up.


Ok Dev I know you understand my point. The facts say he committed suicide. The world looked on and in both our opinions the official facts were BS and yet TPTB were still audacious enough to go ahead with their agenda.

So why oh why does the internet light up when people are suspicious of the whole Holocaust story ?
There are people that have spent thousands of hours reviewing the evidence of the day and reaching similar conclusions as you have with the Dr Kelly case and yet they are flatly deemed lunatics and this isn’t just about @magog here, there are many really well educated people who have found plenty of anomalies with that event (that is not implying Magog isn’t well educated). So why the difference in treatment ?
They are both events which a large group of people are deeply suspicious about and yet one group are cranks ?
There has to be parity in the thinking and treatment of both groups.


The difference is that I didn’t present my opinion as fact. My opinion on Dr Kelly is my opinion. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but they are not entitled to present their opinion as fact


Dev come on I really respect you but have to say that is so lame. He has presented so much stuff as his opinion but there has always been a blanket refusal to go anywhere near the subject and very often it’s with the standard response of it’s all BS without review. As an intelligent man that you are I 100% guarantee that if you were to read even a tenth of the opposing evidence you would find something that didn’t sit right.

So in Mags opinion after reviewing everything it his opinion that much of the Holocaust story was BS in much the same way as the evidence you reviewed about the Dr Kelly case.

@ Magog can I suggest you start a thread that reviews the evidence in a logical format. State the case and maybe the specific points in the opening post like an index.
State the official line and then your case for not agreeing with that particular point and the evidence to support your claim. If you type out the issue and then refer I think people may be more inclined to review. I also think it should be in the wider forum. I know you have threads but the subject matter is random. If you stick to an index type approach it will be easier for people to digest and engage. I say the wider forum as not many have the stomach for it here and nobody sees the connections to today.

Magog has opposing opinion for the most part, not opposing evidence. Magog is entitled to believe what he wants and entitled to his opinion

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Well I think there in lies the problem neither you or I, nor anyone else here knows that what he presents isn’t evidence and I think there is a deliberate reluctance for some to even consider that there could be some issues with the official narrative or even objectively review it and instead choose to take the pack mentality of calling him a crank. I just think it’s damn fucking weak of all of you who do it.

All of us here have opinions based on what we believe to be facts that the “left” are nut jobs. I bet if you go to a socialist forum the same will be said about the right. None of it matters as in any fight the victor calls the shots bullshit or not.

I couldn’t have put it better myself. The bit that you missed was that neither does Magog

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