The Rabbit Hole

Why would you want to go to France to start a fire? :nerd_face:




Right! I think it is presented innocently by promoting such concepts as “collectivism “ which essentially is the same thing as cultural Marxism! When challenged the go to defense is plausible deniability! This is what happens when you have a apathetic public that is feckless to stop it!

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I sure do hope something happens before your leaders sign anything! I agree though, France is showing us the way, and plutocrats are getting nervous and so they should!

I like this guy! He is the only one who actually has a pair to stand up for Britain’s sovereignty! What I like most about Batten is he is actually a man of conviction and is not just mouthing off for the sake of self agrandising to score political points! Need more people like him!


That’s what has pissed me off, that Nigel would choose to attack him the way he has.
If there is to be a political light at the end of the tunnel it has to be from a party that fully supports the idea of being out of Europe properly and then the willingness to listen to the voting public on all other domestic matters thereafter. If the vote on muslim May’s deal is rejected and we end up having a general election, I would hope that the true Tory Brexiteers would join Batten and give the people a choice that is clear. That would be a test as to whether they are prepared to forego allegiances to the party for the good of the country. UKIP is the only party who isn’t divided on Europe and that gives the voters confidence they would carry out their wishes to the letter. We will see. May clearly wants her name in the history books at whatever cost that may be.

Like I said before, May is like Herpes, the symptoms don’t always flare up, but they always come back, akin to a political parasite! She is right up there with the cock holster Little Macron!

Where is JRM on all of this too? I wonder if the bench is not deep for others to join Batten on this?

I think Mogg would be a great asset to UKIP and that is the point I was making about the true Brexit Tories need to be in an undivided party. The people can see clearly now that both Labour and Conservative are just too divided in their ranks on this issue. Switching to UKIP will still keep them in parliament as the people want this one issue resolved with a proper outcome more than anything else and would place their X with confidence and not just hope.

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Well, I think you guys need to start getting visible in the square in a show of force! Waiting for Politicians to show up is asking for trouble, it’s the people’s voices that need to be heard! It is now or never!

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Yes I agree and have said many times I really am sceptical that this will be solved politically but that doesn’t mean that option shouldn’t still be pushed. I’m happy for any means necessary and been a member of UKIP for a while. I know without financial support they have zero chance, so in my view all the balls in the air is the best option.


Shredded this Sky shithead


It’s a good thing that France is erupting into chaos, the timing couldn’t be better for merely the view is in the corner of the traitors eyes to think again!

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Yes it does give a last chance to assess whose interest they best serve and if it isn’t us they have some insight into their future.

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Whilst I support all that UKIP are about and what their objectives are, in reality this has always been a two party country. Sure, things could change, but that is not very likely. The structure of our system is heavily weighted against any outsiders, for example UKIP would need something like 20% of the total vote to get a single seat! It is all very commendable but is really like pissing into the wind.

What Momentum have done to Labour is actually quite admirable. They infiltrated from within. They put in a commie looney for a leader. They didn’t start another party. That is what we need to do in reverse. If a leadership challenge goes down to the final two, I will have a vote, which I think is actually more influential than voting in the general election. Who the Tories have as leader is everything.

I believe that the Conservatives are due a big correction to the right. Rather like a market correction and it will not just swing back to what it was previously, it will over correct. Just like the markets. :wink:

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The big correction is no good when it’s too late, these f******s had 2.5 years and yet they still pissing about. If it was or is about infiltration why give up positions in the cabinet ? Why didn’t they hang in there and say screw you MAY we are going to make it very difficult for you and get shut of the bitch.
Yes we have had the 2 party system and it’s been 2 long all these wankers hoodwinking us for decades, always playing to the gallery.
If ever there was a time for a massive political shake up it is now. Voters from both major parties are feeling betrayed and if given the option they will show their dissatisfaction of the current farce IMO and protest vote to show these clowns they have had it good for far too long.:wink:

Something has to be done about this! How is this not voter fraud?

California GOP Lost 7 of 14 House Seats by Ballot Harvesting — All After Election Day

Ballot harvesting is illegal in most states.

Very few people took notice when far left Governor Jerry Brown signed the changes in AB1921 into law two years ago.

As a result, California lost 7 of its 14 Republican House seats this election cycle.

Ballot harvesting is illegal in most states. In Texas, New York and Pennsylvania they arrest people for ballot harvesting.

Orange County, traditionally a conservative enclave in Southern California turned all blue after Democrats found hundreds of thousands of votes post election day.

Republicans such as Mimi Walters, Dana Rohrabacher and Young Kim were all ahead election night only to lose their races after late ballots were counted.

In Orange County alone, where every House seat went Democratic, “the number of Election Day vote-by-mail dropoffs was unprecedented — over 250,000,” Fred Whitaker, chairman of the county Republican Party, said in a note to supporters.

“This is a direct result of ballot harvesting allowed under California law for the first time. That directly caused the switch from being ahead on election night to losing two weeks later.”

The voting system in California is so bad that a Democrat in California’s 21st district who was down by 6.4% on election night ended up winning three weeks later.

The Democrats don’t even hide their blatant voter fraud anymore – they just pass laws to make election fixing legal and the Republican party just sits back and allows it.

Even Paul Ryan, the RINO of all RINOs questioned the suspicious results in California.

If conservatives don’t fight back, the left will implement “ballot harvesting” laws across the country and steal every election going forward.

SOURCE: Gateway Pundit

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:joy::joy::joy: I’m glad we have a moat, though we were better at defending our little isle back in the day when we had bows and poisoned tipped arrows.