The Rabbit Hole

Pretty staggering to read this


All this for a one term President that virtually sold out his own country in the name of Globalism, NWO?

What a difference a millennium makes … 8,765,813 little hours … :slight_smile:


Quite informative. Thanks for posting.

I think they are both.

I think it is the liberal professional educators that have the devious agenda. The students are just pawns being deliberately made stupid.

I know what you mean Jen but the reality IMO is there aren’t many in the Tory party who are true Brexiteers. The Tories are as culpable as Labour in ensuring the globalist agenda is adhered to.

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Answer: All of the above



Am I too cynical Dev ? Didn’t Redwood advise investors to put their money in the EU about a year or so ago ? Speaking to an empty house. The signals seemed mixed to me.

I believe that was taken out of context, much in the same way Rees-Moggs Dublin domiciled fund was taken out of context. Disappointing on the empty house, what are these fuckers paid for?

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Ok will have to revisit that then. As can’t remember. Yes exactly about the house. Probably the most important time in British politics, just shows me what a sham it all is. I still find it difficult to take my cynical hat off.

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Redwood - "but criticised the Bank of England for being “gripped by a fashionable British pessimism.”

He said: “The Bank of England is busily arguing with itself,” while other central banks and countries are finding ways to promote growth including the European Central Bank.

The Conservative MP wrote: “Money could be better put to work in places where the authorities are allowing credit to expand a bit, to permit faster growth.”"

Short term investment advice for his client base is not the same as not supporting Brexit. This is no different than you or me. We both buy and sell the GBP, probably both in the same day, yet we both support Brexit. We trade the markets, not the emotion

I have had one sell on the GBP and two buys this morning alone and I still support Brexit


Yes I have just cross checked a few articles and read same. It was the headline I remembered rather than the detail. He wasn’t discouraging foreign investment to the UK as I thought initially. Thanks Dev.

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They will do anything to discredit Brexiteers, but never scrutinise Remainers

:+1:I’ve ran out of Ammo on the like button and I haven’t had mid morning coffee yet .

I should have checked before I opened my trap, there has been such a lot to try and remember.

I would like to see the yellow jacket movement spread worldwide! The French have proven that setting fire to trucks in the middle of the Champs Elysees gets results.

Us next. Coming very soon!!

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Sweden began rolling back government in the early 1990s, recapturing the entrepreneurial spirit that made it a wealthy country to begin with. High taxation and a generous array of government benefits are still around. But now it’s also a nation of school vouchers, free trade, open immigration, light business regulation, and no minimum wage laws.

…and make sure you wear a hijab in some parts of the country.


and they are not allowed to capture the ethnicity of the criminal scumbags. I wonder why? Truth and facts can be very dangerous things in the right hands

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If it was last year he was too late.
The time to buy into the €uro was 2015.
You would now be up 20% just on the currency movement.

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I like uransa, but mines betta! :rofl:

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