The Rabbit Hole

Interesting question that refuses to go away! Eventually someone is going to have to answer this!

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Pakistan’s Prime Minister denies Jesus’ existence, vows to spearhead international campaign against insulting Islam


That loving, kind, peaceful religion of islam, don’t ya know? :rofl:

Just wanted y’all to know what MAGA means to us common folks – filled my truck up with gas yesterday at $1.88 per gallon and I have a 36 gallon tank. That’s a difference ya can see!! :sunglasses:

Time for the 10th Crusade!


Price for diesel here is about £1.36 /litre and unleaded about £1.26 /litre at the moment. If you Yanks had to pay these prices, there would be civil war.

HaHa – but then we could be in France! :joy::rofl::joy:

F**k him, we let that bastard come for his Oxford education, let him play county cricket and now he talks like “The West” never existed to him. Just remind me how much we send you bastards in aid about £3-400 mil ?

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Last time I was in France in the summer it was about €1.55 /litre. It should be higher now. I’m off skiing a couple of days after Christmas so I’ll see.

I have a 70 litre tank. I fill up about 60 litres, costs around £80. Lasts me 4 days normally.

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Don’t know if Imran actually said that or in what context but not everything we read on the net is always even half true. There might be a hidden agenda here.
You do realise that Jihad Watch is a ■■■■■■ owned and run organisation.
Before you start with the making excuses for Islam brickbats - I’m not - just digging a bit deeper and trying to join some dots.


oh fekkin …Yippee !

They quote him “Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan remarked during a recent celebration of Muhammad’s birthday that while the life of Islam’s Muhammad “is part of history,” there is no “mention” of Jesus in human history”

It is libel if incorrect

That didn’t take long

Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan did not say Jesus Christ ‘never existed’

It’s also libellous to misquote what he actually said

I love that you are such a defender of the barbaric religion of permanent offence

From your piece

“Other prophets of Allah came (to this world), but in human history there is no mention of them. Very little mention. There is mention of Moses, but in history there is no mention of Jesus Christ. But Prophet, peace be upon him, was the last prophet of Allah, his entire life is part of history”.

Not defending anyone or anything - just trying to get sheeple to do a bit of critical thinking.
I believe GHW was a committed Christian - that is not the greatest advert for the other religion of peace(Christianity) is it.
BTW I hate ALL religion with a vengeance.

Yet you constantly make excuses for, and come to the rescue of, the paedophilic misogynist murdering ideology of Islam. I can see you hate it a lot……………NOT :rofl::rofl::rofl:

To be clear my issue wasn’t about Jesus, it was about the tosser’s wishes for blasphemy against moooooohammad being tackled in the West.

My point is to show the grief of those who are left behind no matter who they are.

