The Rabbit Hole

My Mrs has a Lumix I think… FZ45 I think. Had it a while now, she loves it.

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That has made my day !! It’s really coming back ? That and “Yes Minister” were spot on !! Thanks Jen


Did you notice that they cancelled the budget - I wonder why? - Must be much worse than we thought.

It appears Rishi has more pressing matters than the usual 1p on a pint routine !

“THE GUIDANCE” Taken from an NHS Hospital Website.

Non Covid areas which is the same for Joe Egg public were supposedly the infection rates are rising out of control just chuck 'em in the bin, they will be fine, what a joke ! :crazy_face:

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Anyone heard mention of the R no or R0(Rnaught).
Apparently its the key indicator to forecast how the virus will spread. If it;s above 1 it’s spreading thru the population - below 1 and it will peter out.
Well I could never understand how they could possibly measure with any confidence what the R number was - so I’ve been researching it.
And it is all mumbo jumbo voodoo bollox IMHO.
Most of the docs I have read so far are peppered with an awful lot of guesses and estimates, one even actually said that the R number was based on the number of infections. - Excuse me - so you calculate the R number by measuring the number of cases - so how exactly is that a forecast?
Now I’m not a scientist but this all sounds like just more of the same bollox just trying to blind us with science and keep us scared shitless.
If any scientists amongst us could clarify this for me I would be extremely grateful.

I’ve been wearing my Bandana for weeks now and I do not intend ever disposing of it. Might bung it in the washing over winter but only if I spill my Doombar on it.

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I don’t wear nowt. Bollox to them. I picked up one of the G/kids from school yesterday and was herded to a special waiting area for people who are exempt from wearing masks.

I fall into this category in the “Thought Police” rules.
“where putting on, wearing or removing a face covering will cause you severe distress”

It’s a badge saying you are compliant. Next it will be blue boiler suits and it will be mandatory to have a portrait of Chairman Boris on your wall.

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It’s called Paradise


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I read that SAGE recommends against shielding the vulnerable because it would “create socio and health inequalities.”

There isn’t even an attempt to hide the Marxist agenda now and it’s not just about money! Being fat is a lifestyle choice and I greatly resent being forced down to the lowest denominator. That is the only way you can get equality. A fat PM is a huge liability.

I’ve had my DMC-FZ30 for over 8 years now. It survived 10 days in Kandahar on a business trip. My only regrets are that it accepts no larger than a 2GB SD card and it won’t do videos.

I recently purchased a DC-FZ1000M2 that has quite a few more features and accepts up to 128GB SD cards. It has a separate button to start, pause and stop video recordings and can split completed videos (MP4) at any point into two videos. Doing this several times, one can divide a video file into any number of segments. One can also take single image shots while recording a video and never miss a beat.

Depending on the size and type of still images programmed, one can increase the number of single images on one card to over 10,000.

Both of these cameras are fixed lens type, but I don’t mind that at all. One has 35-420 (12X) optical zoom and the other has 25-400 (16X). Both have digital zoom on top of that.

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They have so much money, they don’t care about money. They want your soul.

Maybe the getout here is to drive trucks - wait a minute I thought all Americans drove trucks anyway??

Latest from the ONS

  • An estimated 103,600 people in the community in England had COVID-19 between 13 and 19 September 2020 (0.19% of the community population). Analysis | Data
  • The number of deaths involving COVID-19 registered in England and Wales in the week ending 11 September 2020 (Week 37) was 99 (1.0% of all deaths in that week). Analysis | Data

So 0.19% of the pop had Covid - assuming the tests are accurate.

And 1% of total deaths involved CV - note the word involved - NOT OF and that 1% were probly all over 70

And this is the reason for the latest restrictions - gimme a fucking break!

Some of the financials…
UK borrowing was £35.9 billion in August 2020, around seven times the £5.4 billion borrowed in August 2019 but around £2 billion lower than expectations.

Central government tax receipts were £37.3 billion in August 2020 (on a national accounts basis), £7.5 billion less than in August 2019; with Value Added Tax, Corporation Tax and Income Tax receipts falling considerably.
Provisional estimates indicate borrowing in the first five months of the financial year to August 2020 have reached £173.7 billion, more than three times the £56.6 billion borrowed in the whole of financial year 2019 to 2020.

Given that total uk debt is now something like 2 trillion - they are gonna find it very difficult to blame the Rona hoax for the parlous financial situation methinks.