The Rabbit Hole

What they think happens after 10 that doesn’t before 10 has to be the most absurd thinking and an absolute new high score from the dickheads making this script up.
The reply should be plenty of good old fashioned type “Lock Ins” until 4/5 in the morning :crazy_face:

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We are currently being ‘just missed’ by a small asteroid.
The size of a small school bus doesn’t sound that small to me.
The trajectory is inside the geostationary orbit, so it is close!
I am now going to find out how big it needs to be to be a concern…

I found it, thanks. On my phone it says that it is “off” and has to be used in conjunction with an appropriate App.

Thanks for the heads-up.
Here is what it looks like, if you click on it it tells you that it has to be used with an App

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don’t think it will be a problem on my iphone4S - even my bank app doesn’t work anymore LOL

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Such is one reason I do not own a single Apple product.

I realize that some other products and apps can allow the turning on of your camera and microphone. Any phone with Google voice search has to be able to listen when it’s activated.

Most smart phones can determine your location and trace your movements either by GPS or by the specific cell tower your activity is using at any time.

Quite often, before embarking on short trips around town, I will text my children and let them know I will be without the phone for a specified duration. Then I leave the phone at home listening to some awful shit music or the TV.

I keep all cameras lenses (front and back) covered with electrical tape unless I want to use the features. (I prefer either of my two Lumix cameras for photos and videos, but the phone camera occasionally comes in handy.)


For your amusement I have extracted the latest headlines from the ONS web site today - There are a number of epithets I could use for each of these but probably the most appropriate is ‘‘no shit Sherlock’’, apart from that I make no comment

2. There have been more excess deaths in care homes and private homes than in hospitals

Aren’t most(all) ppl in care homes old and or infirm - thats why they are there in the first place - ie they were probably gonna die soon anyway.

3. The mortality rate from COVID-19 has been highest among black men

Jeez even a virus can be racist - can we just lockdown ALL immigrunts I wonder? - Nah can’t do that it’d be racist.

5. The number of people visiting workplaces, shops and public transport hubs fell drastically because of lockdown

Yep that tends to happen when you put EVERYONE under house arrest.

7. The economy is 11.7% smaller than it was pre-lockdown, despite recovering some ground since April

That’ll go a long way to saving the NHS

9. With vacancies falling across all industries, people are competing for fewer jobs

Doh! - Shouldn’t that read MORE ppl competing

10. Public sector debt has exceeded gross domestic product (GDP) for the first time since the early 1960s

No surprise there, it was gonna happen anyway after the Repo crisis back in Sept

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I can’t figure out how millions of people in the UK are not allowed to work, and yet can put food on the table.

Millionaires and billionaires sure can, but how do average folks deal with the situation?

Furlough started in March where the government paid 80% of people’s salaries up to £2.5k a month. Now furlough is coming to an end, they are doing salary top up. That means you only have to work one third of your normal hours and the government will pay you for the other two thirds of your salary.

We are still in the “spending other people’s money” phase. :wink:


What do they know in Wandsworth?


I wish we had that system here.
Every Japanese got paid only 100,000 yen which is a little over 900 US dollars. If the parents had 2 kids (irrespective of their age), 400,000 yen one time pay.

Don’t think it’s quite that generous Jen - more like half of the third your employer doesn’t pay - but just like everything else this govt does, about as clear as mud to understand

Interesting read from Armstrong

The pearler for today – we have just been told by PMs office, that serious consideration is taking place today to call a ‘Circuit Breaker’ 14 day lockdown,

‘‘Governments that makes mistakes never admit them. Instead, they will blame someone else, or in this case the virus, to justify whatever actions they take.’’

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Whatever. I can’t be bothered to figure it out, but one thing is for sure, it’s not a bottomless pit. Can’t wait for the real proverbial excrement to hit the fan.

My Mrs has a Lumix I think… FZ45 I think. Had it a while now, she loves it.

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That has made my day !! It’s really coming back ? That and “Yes Minister” were spot on !! Thanks Jen


Did you notice that they cancelled the budget - I wonder why? - Must be much worse than we thought.

It appears Rishi has more pressing matters than the usual 1p on a pint routine !