The Rabbit Hole

From the Nile to the Euphrates.
Khazars never give up to be thieves and murderers.

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Only space for one fox in the hen house.

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Oil rich Arab nations are the greatest betrayers of the Palestinian cause.

Is it just me who feel there is something fishy going on in other threads, where it is claimed:

Trump is the greatest President ever,
Trump is a shoo-in,
Antisemites are hateful,
etc., etc.

Sure, Trump is a much better choice than Biden, Hilary, Harris, etc, but there is no guarantee that he will win because Soros has the vote counting machines.

Could that be a maneuver to make Republican voters so complacent about the election in November that they skip and never bother to vote?

Something is very fishy there.

I didn’t hear about this protest outside Buck Palace at the weekend. All shouting for Peado Andrew’s arrest. :clap:t2:

If Trump doesn’t get elected I think the bullets will fly.
If Trump gets elected and doesn’t drain the swamp properly, bullets will start to fly.

Americans are not complacent after they’ve got a taste of communism in 2020.
Something is always fishy around election time. Place your bets.
The closer the odds, the more money the house makes.

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Free your mind.


The cage around the head is constructed in such a manner that it is invisible to the eyes.
And of course the head inside thinks he / she is free.

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No it was well hidden but a few sites reported it - Nothing on MSM of course

My high octane theory is that Trump knows they will rig the ballot and after the votes are counted he will call them out and declare all the suspect districts illegitimate and demand a recount.
He will also prosecute anyone found tampering with the votes - the other day I saw that some 10,000 ppl are being prosecuted for voter fraud from 2016 - If guilty they will face some serious jail time.

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You have probly heard abt the new CV restrictions announced in UK yesterday .
Well I thought I’d check the data from the ONS which is apparently what they use to justify this crap and guess what I found

The 2 paragraphs below are a direct copy from the ONS website today, 11th September…

  1. Based on nose and throat swabs, we estimate that 27,100 people in England had COVID-19 at some point in the most recent week (19 to 25 August 2020). This equates to 1 in 2,000 people.
  2. The number of deaths involving COVID-19 registered in England and Wales in the week ending 28 August 2020 (Week 35) was 101 (1.1% of all deaths in that week).

Which means we have a 1 in 700,000 chance of dying from Covid!!!
Do they really think we are ALL that stupid?
Why are we even bothering to develop a vaccine - we are being lied to - biggest hoax since the Holohoax

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I don’t want any spare off the guy with the cap ! :laughing:

Operation “Moonshot” will ramp up the figures to really make sure the sheep stay in their lane.

This will upset Jimmy Krankie ! She is fully in favour of Scotland having their independence ( Only to be tied to EU -Some independence !) How can she deny the Shetland Islanders ? !! Awkward :grin:


''From September 14, it will be illegal for more than six people to gather in a variety of places, including private homes, in England. This ban also extends to restaurants, cafes, bars, pubs and even outdoor spaces, and applies across the board to all ages. However, the rule won’t apply in an array of other scenarios, for no other apparent reason than Matt Hancock says so.

The health secretary said: “one of the pieces of feedback we had, including from the police, was that we needed the rules to be super simple so that everybody knows what they are.”

They may be really simple, Mr Hancock, but far more striking than their simplicity is their earth-shattering stupidity. The new restrictions are being introduced in response to a steep rise in coronavirus cases. Not deaths, not hospitalisations, but cases. This rise in cases has, astonishingly, coincided with an increase in testing, but the fact that if you go looking for something you might find more of it doesn’t seem to have crossed the minds of the geniuses at the Department of Health.

Despite that little nugget of information passing them by, they have identified some situations where it is apparently fine for more than six people to congregate. These include schools and workplaces, ‘Covid-secure’ weddings, funerals and organised team sports.

Quite how Covid-19 is supposed to tell the difference between having seven or more people round for a few drinks just for the hell of it and having seven or more people round for a few drinks because it’s a wedding is not immediately clear. But I guess we’ll just have to take Matt’s word for it.

It is also good to know that the virus apparently doesn’t spread when you are doing things the government approves of, like going to work or school, but does spread if you just want to enjoy yourself. I didn’t know that viruses were capable of telling the difference between a diversity training seminar and a dinner party, or a geography lesson and a barbecue, but you learn something new every day…

These new laws regarding socialising will be enforced through a £100 fine if people fail to comply, doubling on each offence up to a maximum of £3,200. This means that people could be given a criminal record for hanging around with more than six people in a park. This is complete insanity, and completely arbitrary. Why have they settled on six people as a limit? Has Matt Hancock only got 6 mates?’’

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Over an hour but worth watching