The Rabbit Hole

I saw a video of someone throwing an EU flag off of a balcony…after replacing it (in a wall bracket) with his country’s flag. It was in France…on January 5, 2019.

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“The beginning of the end of the pandemic.”
Who are in the high risk factor discussed. Very important.
Recovery within 2 to 5 days without the need for a ventilator.
Hydrochloroquine combination.


Yes, herd immunity! I bet the figures wouldn’t have been any different. Look at Sweden. Why haven’t they got it worse than everyone else? So shutting schools 2 weeks ago didn’t make any difference then.

“harming the young vs. the old.” That should be biologically young vs. biologically old. Chronological means little. You hear of the millennial and snowflake generations potentially dying before their parents - why then? Because they’re lazy and fat with loads of conditions associated with being lazy and fat.

Before Coronavirus, one third of the NHS budget was spent on obesity and obesity related conditions. Maybe it’s now been renamed Coronavirus. Anyhow, after this farce, we should see that cost go down.

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Hi folks not read back so if this has already done the round just ignore.

My Mrs tells me the TV is pumping out the government message about everyone should be protecting the NHS and vulnerable etc. How they are trying their best to protect the national treasure. Oh really ? Shall we go there …?
Is this the same NHS which they have allowed to be drained by uncontrolled migration ? Medical holidays ? My bet is they want it off their hands and this is just the thing to put the final nail in the coffin and they can blame all the clueless sheep for spreading this nasty little virus (pronounce it like bugs bunny would !) and the strain has just been too much. Oh wait we can save it but it will mean greater taxation and you will have to work until you die. Hoorah !! Let’s go into the streets and clap like seals of course while maintaining a safe distance. :wink: !!

My cynicism helps to get me through the day :grimacing:

Anyway for the savvy there will be opportunities, it’s sad but there have been lots of sailors that couldn’t see through the mist and there is never enough room in a lifeboat when it’s really needed.

I forgot to mention about the governments concern for the vulnerable, elderly and compromised health etc etc. This is the same government which advocates a diet full of shit which will directly affect your immunity from all manner of crap and never gives advice on how to strengthen it. Of course they never will as pharma control the narrative on health and well being and that just wouldn’t make good business sense.


“Herd immunity” sounds fishy.
It’s only a hypothesis at best.

Ok then, let’s be straight about it and call it survival of the fittest.

It was fine to send millions to their deaths in the name of freedom. Now it’s fine to take away that freedom for the sake of trying to save some fatties, who only have themselves to blame for their poor health. What scares me is how our freedom can be so easily lost.

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What event(s) are you specifically referring to?

Having worked at several nursing homes here, I really wonder about the meaning of (long) life, or lack thereof. You know, as a child or grandchild, you naturally wish your relatives to live even a day longer.

But there is zero quality of life in many cases. Even if they are not totally demented, not caring less whether they are dead or alive, they are in bed 24-7, fed through a tube and of course wear diapers (called nappies in your country I assume). And they might “live” for years in such a quasi-vegetative state.

It takes several able-bodied men and/or women to dip these folks in a bath, usually once a week. Their stay in the nursing homes may be paid for by insurance, but it boils down to tax money.

Honestly, I don’t want to spend even a day in such conditions, but there’s no way of knowing what these folks want (either because they cannot speak or because they are so demented, unable even to think).

It isn’t just fatties, it is a parent or a grandparent. Even some young and healthy are succumbing.

It’s all well and good when a person believes they or a family member is immune. Then when it is “you” or a loved one, it becomes another matter.

I completely agree with this.

I really hope the end of my life doesn’t boil down to something like this. Sounds like everyone’s worst nightmare.

WW1, WW2 and the wars thereafter involving America.

Don’t you get fat parents or grandparents?

I look at facts and figures, not get bogged down with sentiment.

So the ones most at risk have conditions all to do with eating crap, being fat and lazy, plus smokers.

Now as you are so transfixed at the 0.9% with “no pre-existing conditions” who are also “young and healthy,” how do you know? Chronologically young (but perhaps biologically old) and no existing conditions means no DIAGNOSED conditions. Problems can exist many decades before a diagnosis - a diagnosis is really the end game. You may have an idea by looking at them, but better still let’s see blood tests and full body MRI scan. Then we can see if they’re healthy. You are conflating absence of diagnosed disease with health.

Good point.

I should have said with no know pre-existing conditions with all appearances of being healthy. (not obese, not a smoker, etc.)

I’d like to see more of this emphasized. I’m sure there a lot out there who still believe this is just an “old person’s” disease.

The reason it is seen as an old person’s disease is because older people would tend to have more of those conditions, as they have had more time for them to manifest to a chronic state. It doesn’t have to be like that.

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Metabolic syndrome is a group of conditions which are precursors to the chronic diseases implicated in Coronavirus deaths. The only one you can see with the naked eye is obesity. You cannot easily see abdominal obesity, unless the person takes their clothes off or has a scan, but it is also dangerous.

The common denominator is insulin resistance. That is from eating too much, too frequently and too much sugar. Insulin is the hormone to store fat. Your body cannot store fat and burn fat at the same time, so if your insulin is constantly high, you lack metabolic flexibility, which is a prime sign of ill health.


So the average number of common flu deaths in China is 26 times the number of deaths due to this so-called coronavirus, or Covid-19, but pneumonia deaths alone as of 2010 in China were an additional 125,000. Why is there panic and why is there chaos?


The COVID-19 plannedemic perfectly achieves objectives of globalists. Stop using paper money because it is a vehicle to transfer the virus – use credit cards instead. Voluntarily stay away from other people, so there can be no public assembly dissent. Obey your political leaders, or else you won’t be allowed to resume business. For the sake of public safety, volunteer to go out of business so you have no remaining wealth and you will become totally dependent on government for survival.


So people haven’t been dropping anymore than usual.



