The Rabbit Hole


Metabolic syndrome is a group of conditions which are precursors to the chronic diseases implicated in Coronavirus deaths. The only one you can see with the naked eye is obesity. You cannot easily see abdominal obesity, unless the person takes their clothes off or has a scan, but it is also dangerous.

The common denominator is insulin resistance. That is from eating too much, too frequently and too much sugar. Insulin is the hormone to store fat. Your body cannot store fat and burn fat at the same time, so if your insulin is constantly high, you lack metabolic flexibility, which is a prime sign of ill health.


So the average number of common flu deaths in China is 26 times the number of deaths due to this so-called coronavirus, or Covid-19, but pneumonia deaths alone as of 2010 in China were an additional 125,000. Why is there panic and why is there chaos?


The COVID-19 plannedemic perfectly achieves objectives of globalists. Stop using paper money because it is a vehicle to transfer the virus – use credit cards instead. Voluntarily stay away from other people, so there can be no public assembly dissent. Obey your political leaders, or else you won’t be allowed to resume business. For the sake of public safety, volunteer to go out of business so you have no remaining wealth and you will become totally dependent on government for survival.


So people haven’t been dropping anymore than usual.






It is sad to see Boris hospitalised this morning. But nature doesn’t care about feelings or the individual; it cares about survival of the collective which means survival of the fittest in reality. The other cabinet ministers have fared better than Boris, because they are slimmer. Boris is fat, maybe obese, though with “no underlying health conditions” - read no diagnosed conditions (yet.) This should be a wake up call that as a whole, we are far too fat. This is nature’s way of telling us, whether the virus originated from bats, in a lab or has been around a while and recently mutated to target the fat.

I see the fat celebrators are quiet. It’s about time they stopped trying to force us to think they’re beautiful, fit and desirable. Being fat is deadly.

I have another hypothesis why women are faring better than men. ICU admissions and death rates for women are half that of men. You can blame smoking and less hygiene for men, and that may be true for some, like Chinese men smoke a lot more, the numbers are consistent across the world and across different cultures. I think it is due to the distribution of fat. For the same BMI, men have more visceral fat; they hold it around their organs, hence the solid beer belly look. Women have fat arses and muffin tops which progress to curtains. Visceral fat is particularly deadly. It leads to higher insulin resistance and all the associated chronic conditions. It is also the easiest to lose. It is the first fat to go when you stop eating / drinking. A fatty liver, even with cirrhosis, can recover, but it takes time - around 3 years. All this is so preventable but also curable.

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Covid is a common virus.
A false claim for a pandemic.

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It is no wonder that the author wants to remain anonymous. He’s a liar. Descriptions of the symptoms by recovered patients who tested positively for the virus are unlike those of any previously reported virus.

I seriously doubt that the author is concerned about tarnishing his medical credentials. I seriously doubt he/she has any worthy of guarding. If he/she was of any high stature, there would be no reason to hide doubt of the authenticity of testing procedures.

This would do well in the Conspiracy category.

Remember, this covid strain, with Wuhan being the first in China to introduce 5G citywide, is a one two punch to create a global pandemic. 5G operates on the same level as oxygen does which can create the similar flulike symptoms. MSM blames the virus while 5G microwave weaponised frequency goes underreported.
Is it time to introduce one world currency?


@AlexC If you’ll keep The Comedy Club primed, I’ll keep Political Memes and Themes primed. :sunglasses:

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Of course you’re forced to remain anonymous, otherwise you’ll be branded antisemite

Who’s spreading the virus?

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That is an excellent piece! I never knew the science behind how 5g damaged the cells. It basically messes the up proteins in the haemoglobin changing their affinity for oxygen to carbon monoxide! So David Icke has been correct all along!

What may be useful at this time is a pulse oximeter. That would detect lower concentrations of O2 in the blood long before you are short of breath. Each haemoglobin molecule can carry 4 molecules of O2. I was 98% this morning, which translates as out of 25 haemoglobin molecules 2 are only carrying 3, or one carrying 2… :crazy_face:

I am also about the fittest I have ever been in this lockdown. I am on Zwift every day, usually for a race or workout of between 20 and 50k, plus running as well. I think I would have gone crazy without it. At least I am going places virtually.

And thank you very much to Trump for sending over all he can to help Boris. Only 50% make it out of ICU alive with Coronavirus. However I think Boris has better odds. He is only fat, he doesn’t have the chronic conditions and he is in that state because he didn’t rest. He should have taken his own advice on social distancing, instead of shaking everyone’s hands just a few weeks ago. We need Boris!


Haemoglobin has always had an affinity for carbon-monoxide. That is what makes CO poisonous, it binds to the haemoglobin thereby preventing normal respiration.

Available on eBay for about £10

Doctors will normally not prescibe oxygen tanks for patients unless their levels are below 90%.