The Rabbit Hole

It is nature’s way of making sure righteous, tree hugging, eco fascists can’t breed. :wink: Maybe the same applies to soy boys.

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Eating too many vegetables will give a man cabbage disease…a big head and a short stalk.


They better not have
… they better not have!

Did you see the vid I posted back when we were Freebird, the one showing the Luton lass in a red dress defending herself against the locals, and watching as a bunch of rag-heads marched through the main streets of Luton, in broad daylight, shout things like “kill the British police” ??

Well when I went looking for it, to educate some Americans, the only thing I could find was something that looked as though it had been shot in CGA resolution. YT has been removing contentious vids, and in this case the Luton lass was barely recognisable … never mind the writing on the placards carried by the rag-heads.

… < fume >

Hahaha, brilliant! :rofl:

I like having alternative TV. If it wasn’t for the licence there would be no comedy shows like “The Young Ones”. The English language would accelerate down the pan as examples of how to speak properly (R4) disappear.

Stacey Dooley vid in Luton has disappeared in decent quality. Had all the banners “kill the infidels” etc etc and Ajem Choudry (sp?) in it too.

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That is 3 accusations you made against me that aren’t true! What else you got? You done yet?

I thought this was a joke but this really does happen if you abuse yourself enough.
How the f*ck can humankind get to this level of self abuse in 2019. This would have been almost impossible when humans first evolved and now, in bewilderment, almost every possible ailment that we can force upon ourselves today some idiot manages to do it.
It is suggested that modern technology makes us a smarter more intelligent race, yet we see more self inflicted sickness than ever.
And I can’t even comment about the Vegan crap in the next article :rofl::rofl:

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Funny but as an aside I used to drink wine or beer virtually everyday and probably too much on those days although guidelines are constantly changing.
2 years ago I simply stopped drinking everything and although I am sure my body has benefitted in some way I have not noticed any particular feeling of improved wellness because of it.
I suppose the only unknown benefit would be if I would have been susceptible to something nasty like cancer that my body is now able to fight off because it doesn’t have to waste time processing alchohol. If I make it to 100 I will post here and let you all know to stop drinking :rofl:

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Looks like the most unhealthy thing we can do is drive an EV - you might get an early and spontaneous cremation.

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Red wine is good for your heart and circulation, and bad for your ankles and other load-bearing joints

The French are at it again. However it seems that they are probably good at standing up for their rights and culture.

That has been the consensus for some years although there is really recent advice that alcohol is bad for you full stop.
The problem we have is, until the truth can be confirmed ( for instance in the fifties smoking was good for your health and now it is overwhelmingly proven to harm us, as does radiation from nuclear power station disasters, ie Chernobyl ).
The governments and Pharma’s will not provide the truth until the pressure is forced upon them to do so and even with the availability of more information than ever through the net, it is still not conclusive that we can do the best for ourselves by our own research as so much is dramatised to sell something…

All things in good measure. :+1:

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Agreed, accept one persons good measure might be someone elses starter :rofl::rofl:


It is not the alcohol in Red wine that is good for you, it is the source-grape constituents.

Alcohol is a naturally occurring substance which our bodies have dealt with for aeons. It is excess alcohol which is systemically bad, and a lower threshold which induces erratic behaviour. So a great number of people will agree with its removal from general consumption.

Health-wise repeated excess causes liver and other intestinal problems, and fertility problems. I was going to say ‘male’ fertility but it probably has a similar effect on females. Certainly there are issues for unborn children when expectant mothers do not refrain from alcohol, especially in the early months of pregnancy.

Many of the scary stories about what may be good or bad for your health are based on illogical rates of consumption and preparation.

For instance, it has been said that eating too much bacon can cause cancer. While this may be true, I read that you’d have have to eat over 5 pounds of burnt bacon per week to cause any significant risk of cancer.

…and…drinking too much water can kill you.

My rule is simple…everything in moderation. Use common sense and historical data.

More important than what you consume is how you sleep. How well you sleep determines how well and how much your eat. These two habits are interrelated.

I highly recommend that you read Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker, PhD.

I am 5 pages into Chapter 16 (the final chapter) and will pass it to my daughter when I finish.


This is true! … :+1:

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