Fake money. Fake banks.
Fake jobs and fake products.
Fake businesses and investments.
Fake teachers. Fake education.
Fake entertainers and players.
Fake heath system.
Fake vaccines.
Fake politicians with fake smears and fake causes.
Fake news.
Fake colleges.
Fake divisions, fake unity.
Fake religious and cultists.
Fake climate campaign.
Fake laws and lawyers. Fake justice.
Fake elections. Fake leadership. Fake policies.
Real crisis.
Had there not been a crooked election, Reelected President Trump never would have allowed it to get to this point. He would not have made Putin rich by destroying domestic energy production. He never would have allowed BILLIONS of dollars of American military hardware to fall in the hands of the Taliban.
We know that DEMOCRATS are behind every major war this country has had to face. WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam. It took Republican leadership to get us out of all those wars.
This fall, a politician having a D by his/her name is going to lose.
Here’s an easier proposal. Quit destroying AMERICAN ENERGY PRODUCTION. Russia got rich because Unelected Joe shut down American energy production. Take the government boots off the necks of the producers and slow down the revenue stream to Putin.
It helped that we had a strong President in Trump, (the total OPPOSITE of a neo-con.)
I’m no expert on oil production, but when the country was shut down in 2020, US oil production plummeted from 13 million to 9 million barrels per day. The price of oil went from $60 to $20 a barrel. I suspect a lot of that drop in production came from frackers. It costs more to produce oil from fracking, probably more than $20 a barrel.
Yes, Biden has been an abomination, and doing things like cancelling the Keystone pipeline was just sticking a thumb in the eye of people who’d spent a lot of money on it for no good reason. But the price of a barrel of crude has more influence on oil production, and a low price kills Russia’s economy.
I, too, think that it is simply absurd that President Biden has shut down drilling on federal lands–and just about anywhere he can–and is now reduced to purchasing oil from elsewhere. (Presumably, it is all part of his master plan to ween us off fossil fuels, and transition to “green” energy.)
But just why should that militate against anything that I have previously said?
Note: Joe Biden is not a neo-conservative (and there is no such thing as a “neo-con”; that is just a made-up term used to smear those with whom one disagrees, by associating them with con men and convicts).
No, he is really more of a neo-liberal.
Russia’s economy is based on oil. PERIOD. Unelected Joe just handed Russia an unearned advantage in that market. Joe made Putin rich. And Putin is thanking the world by attacking Ukraine.
Joe isn’t so much a neo con as he is a plain idiot whose stupidity led to war. Some of the worst wars of all time occurred because American politicians were stupid and asleep at the switch.
You’ll notice when Trump (the last LEGALLY elected president) was in office, there was world peace. American military personnel were coming home. ISIS was defeated. The middle east was moving toward peace.
It took an unelected moron of a Democrat to reverse all of that.
War is a natural occurrence. Preventing war is a conscious and deliberate act. It is accomplished by the top superpower in the world (the United States, for a while) making war way too costly for the barbarians on the other side of the world. Unelected Joe just made war profitable again for the animals.
I’m opening my house to all hot Ukrainian female refugees.
US lobbyists, including former Biden adviser, rake in millions from Russia-backed Nord Stream 2
The Nord Stream 2 pipeline, which would transport gas from Russia to Germany, was halted by Germany in response to Russian troops crossing into Ukraine. While the pipeline has been the recent focus of calls for sanctions against the Kremlin, American lobbying groups made big money supporting it.
According to records reported by OpenSecrets.org, Nord Stream 2 paid American lobbying firm Roberti Global $5 million since 2020 for co-founder Vincent Roberti to lobby in support of the pipeline.
Roberti is a Democratic donor and a former adviser to President Biden’s 2008 run for president.
When all of this clears up I’m buying myself a Ukrainian wife and I’m going to teach her that my personal preference is actually age-old traditions passed down from generation to generation
I just been dispatch by a private security company to Poland to provide support for some key assets… wish me luck.
Much of your post is correct, I think.
I am just disturbed by your frequent references to Joe Biden as having been “unelected” (or, alternatively, not “LEGALLY elected”–caps in original).
I do agree, however, that it is a mistake–a huge mistake–to imagine that war may be prevented through weakness.
Neville Chamberlain thought the same thing…
Biden lost dude … deal with it
That’s because he WASN’T legally elected. You know it, I know it, and the world knows it.
Since I voted for Trump in 2020 (as well as in 2016), I really cannot see just why I might need to “deal with” anything you may imagine.
It is quite possible that there were shenanigans in Georgia, Arizona, and Pennsylvania that pushed Biden over the top.
But I believe exclusively in careful analysis; I will simply not engage in partisan hackery. (Democrats, traditional Republicans, and Trump loyalists who do so are simply not my kind of people.)