This is where your ignorance shines the best as being a partisan asshat! Both parties are war mongers and voted for the invasion of Afghanistan, and not admitting that only proves my point even more about how much of a lying asshole you are!
Handful of service members? Man if you said that in my presence I’d swear I would punch your fucking short pudgy Puerto Rican face until you couldn’t see any more. You POS, you never served the country so what the fuck do you know? Let me come find you cksuker!
Yes I realize my redundancy in how I asked that question, however my question was such that if one took the biblical perspective and applied it to Jooos throughout history it seems they have been the source of much conflict and consternation throughout. So if people here and in other places are critical of Joos I don’t necessarily believe its being antisemitic but are pointing out obvious patterns that are either confounding, hypocritical or conflicts of interests in the grander scheme of things in today’s world discourse. The term 'antisemitic" is often thrown around so loosely that any criticism or debate on the subject matter has become a lightning rod to the point its become taboo to even mention it and I am not sure that is something I would be in advocacy of. Lastly, yes it is true that overwhelmingly most of the major media corporations as well as the banking industries is either owned or controlled by Joos. Whether that is by coincidence or simply being adept at a special skill set that enables such career paths within the jooish community to be in, I have no idea, however it does warrant scrutiny to point out such patterns especially when it comes to issues of commerce and controlling the narratives in who makes war and all of humanity is affected. Does that make me antisemitic because I want to question certain beliefs and or have certain perspectives when in relation to jooos? I don’t think so.
If you were a landlord and had a tenant apply for an apartment who had previously been kicked out of over 100+ apartments before applying to yours…would you think that the previous landlords were the problem?
You need to provide a little bit more context before I will just blindly answer your question. Excuse me for being suspicious, you are not exactly the model of having honest discussions here without having an agenda to boot, such as cherry picking a statement that had nothing to do with you.
You seem enormously concerned that the US might place missiles on Russia’s “doorstep”–even though I am aware of no plans to do so–but you seem quite unconcerned about Russia’s proxy, just 90 miles from Miami…
I am really not quite sure just what the “biblical perspective” has to do with it.
In any case, Jws have been persecuted by non-Jws for millennia now; to blame that upon the victim seems downright absurd.
Note: I really do not know if J*ws may be more intelligent, on average, than Gentiles are–I am Gentile, and the thought of it would not at all offend me–but it is probably more likely that Jwish parents simply place an exceptionally high degree of importance upon success (due to their culture), and push their children, therefore, to also place a high degree of emphasis upon success.
I suggest reread my statement again instead of giving into your own biases while ignoring the rest of my valid points that I illuminate upon. In other words be objective and perhaps there is something you might find to discuss. The biblical perspective has everything to do with it. Look and you shall find! You sure you are a practicing Christian? Haven’t read Kings, Chronicles or Judges?