The Literary Corner and Philosophers Thread 📙 📖

I like this approach and philosophy. We all have the capability to shape and control our own reality so long as we put God first in everything according to his will.


These are very loaded quations.
What happens to the soldiers whose government is taken over by a bunch of satanists?
Will the soldiers go to heaven if they die in combats instigated by such governments? (Not likely.)

Will there be justifiable wars? (Maybe, if the soldiers are acting in self-defense, defending the lives of their families)

In the cover photo he looks very youthful.

The upside-down world. (In English)


He didn’t say it in modern language, but he did not urge people to worship Yahweh.

Mystics have often been persecuted throughout history, including Meister Eckhart of Germany (although he escaped execution).

Plato was a contactee.
Additionally, he must have been taken into outer space to look at the Earth.
Flat earthers won’t like this.

Yes, to above question.
I don’t know if Alex Jones invented the term “prison planet” but that’s what our planet is.


The guy was a nutcase. Who better understands life than nutcases?

A genius is usually a eccentric or enigmatic for their ideas. Nietzsche was a prophet in the modern light of a thinking man.



Orthodox Judaism has hundreds of laws (Do’s and don’ts). What does that tell us?

It is very funny coming from a Joo.

At this point everyone is a Joo.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Only criminal hide their identity.
There’s something very fishy about him.

Charlie Chaplin or Israel Thornstein? A mystery even in modern times | The Times of Israel

The music of the Middle East (Near East) has not changed for thousands of years.
The music sung by an Egyptian singer here most likely sounded a lot like that played in the streets of Jerusalem and heard by Jesus two thousand years ago when it was peaceful.

The prophets of the Old Testament sang their prophecies with their instruments in similar tunes as well as psalms and Egyptian songs praising their gods in the temples.

Needless to say, the ancient Greek civilization was deeply influenced by the Egyptain and their music sounded a lot like Egyptian as well.

Compared with this sort of music, I can’t help think how shallow and cheap modern “western” music sounds today.

This is the wrong thread for this. Post this in the music thread bro.

Very interesting development in the Catholic faith.