The Literary Corner and Philosophers Thread šŸ“™ šŸ“–

We arenā€™t going to agree on this, soā€¦ you win. I lose. We will find out in the end. :wink:

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There are people who believe the first five books of the Old Testament (called the Pentateuch, consisting of the Genesis, Exodus, Numbers, Leviticus and Deuteronomy, I forgot the exact torder) were written by Moses, although at the end his death and burial are mentioned. Religion makes you blind.

We know what ā€œGodā€ Joos today worship. But do Christians know what ā€œGodā€ they are worshiping?

Ask: What is the name of your God?
If the reply is: He has no specific name but simply ā€œFather which art in Heavenā€ whom Jesus taught us to pray to. These people are OK.

If the reply is: Yahweh.
Well then, thse supposed Christians are no different from satanist Pharisee Joos.

ā€œYe are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.ā€
John 8:44

Religious texts get rewritten and edited (meaning new lines, paragraphs, even chapters get deleted or added).

Same for Buddhist sutras. New sutras were written even 1,000 years after the death of the Buddha.

Lorraine Day has a very strong ā€œChurch Christianā€ bias, but she meant well.

Job is the oldest and most complete text in the Bible.

The Trinity:

The Father, The son and the Holy Spirit.

God is ā€œGodā€ and ā€œFatherā€

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Judging from place names and the names of the characters, it was not originally a Hebrew text.

The Bible is a hodgepodge of ancient Babylonian and Egyptian (and God knows what else) texts.

The famous ā€œan eye for an eye, a tooth for a toothā€ is not justification of revenge, but a prescription for justifiable damage compensation. This comes straight from the Code of Hammurabi, composed in the 18th century BC in Babylon, thus much older than the Old Testament.

Ask: What is the name of your God?

I Am.

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Yah weh
does not translate as ā€œI am.ā€

Yahweh is an evil deity, if you ask me.
Jesus denounced his worship ā€” very politely.

Whatā€™s you point? I didnā€™t say Godā€™s name was Yahwehā€¦ As far as I can find, He didnā€™t either. God said: ā€œI Amā€ I really donā€™t care what any peopleā€¦ past or present call God. I havenā€™t found anywhere in the Bible or any other books that show that God ever disclosed his name to anyone, other than ā€œI Amā€.

God gave us the ability to understand what he wantā€™s us to understandā€¦ what we are capable of understandingā€¦ not more and not less. ā€œI Amā€ is hard enough to comprehendā€¦ as simple as it is.

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In the Book of Exodus, the godā€™s reply to Mosesā€™ question about his name was אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁ×Ø ×Ö¶×”Ö°×™Ö¶×”ā€Ž
which is translated as ā€œI am that I am.ā€

However, it is only one interpretation. As Paul Wallis points out, ekh - ekh, akh-akh, etc. are onomatopoeia for dragons as they spew fire and smoke, which Yahweh does.

Bottom line: Yahweh is an evil dragon. Jesus came to put an end to his worship.

ā€œJudge a tree by its fruit.ā€ Look what the people who call themselves Yahwehā€™s people have done to the world.

I recently found out that the concept of ā€œUnicornsā€ were in existence 7 to 8000 years ago. It is referenced in the book of Job near to one of the last chapters. I was shocked to find this as I was reading it one day!

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Okay. You are trying way too hard here. :wink:

ā€œI amā€ is pretty simple to understand. No nead for layers of underlying things to interpet.

Know what you worship. Itā€™s called discernment.

(There are polytheistic religions such as Hinduism and Japanese Shintoism where there are many gods or deities, and people know there are evil gods.)

The Bible is not what you think it is.

Thou shalt have no other God/s but me.

Because you post a vid of some guy that says it isnā€™t?

Non believers try so hard to debunk God and the Bibleā€¦ and they have never been successful. This guy isnā€™t eitherā€¦ unless you are already a non believer.

Thatā€™s an admission that there are others like him.
Thatā€™s also an admission that Yahweh is not the Creator God.

I am not a non-bliever.
I am only debunking Yahweh, because he only pretends to be the Creator. (What I do is 100% in line with what Jesus taught.)

The Old Testament is NOT a collection of Christian documents. (Joos are laughing at Christians for that)
The Bible as we know it today was finalized in current form centuries after the disappearance of Jesus from Palestine.

There is no rhyme or reason for Christians to treat the Old Testament as words of God. (Although later prophets channeled the Creator God, early ones like Samuel certainly were mere messagers of evil Yahweh)

Currently enjoying Venice. You referenced Hemingway? ā€œAcross the River and Through the Treesā€ Venice right?

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