The Literary Corner and Philosophers Thread 📙 📖

Why in Italy? Interesting history this man had!

He was an admirer of human civilization, especially the European art, music and literature.

He was a despiser of Joos. Pound was convinced that Joos are enemies of civilization, hell bent on destroying human civilization.

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Icarus ignored Daedalus’s instructions not to fly too close to the sun, causing the beeswax in his wings to melt. Icarus fell from the sky, plunged into the sea, and drowned. The myth gave rise to the idiom, “fly too close to the sun.”

The modern day Greek Hero tragedy was Ayrton Senna.

The New World Order is crumbling.
The war in Ukraine is not just a military conflict, but a cultural war on the NWO.
What comes next? Who cares, as long as one evil goes down.



Is astrology a superstition?

I guess so, if you say all religions (including Christianity), ideologies (including Marxism and wokeism) and philosophies as well as yoga and acupuncture are superstitions.

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Does the “God” in the Bible want all humans dead?
— I’m not surprised because it’s not the first time the “God” tried to kill all humans.

Wait. What does the Bible really say?

The Bible does not talk about God.



The Ethyopian Bible.

I thought it was narrated by a black American, but the voice is computer-generated.

The most fasccinating part of the Ethyopian Bible is the Book of Enoch, which is hidden in the European Bible(s). Enoch was a righteous man — whatever that means — who gets picked up (or abducted) by space aliens. He realizes how backward the earth civilization is and no longer wants to return to earth. (Who can blame him?)

The lengths to which some will go to to deny the existence of God is amazing… to me.

There is so much out there that tries to discredit the Bible, Jesus and the existence of God… but there is not even close to that propping up the existence of God. Because God just IS… and always was and will be.

I have wanted to read the book of Enoch to see what is in it…or not in it. I probably will at some point.

Years ago I asked my pastor why there is so much confusion/questioning about God, his laws and the Bible. He said… people can’t possibly understand God or his reasoning for things, so they twist and bend things to what they want to think/believe. He then said… no matter how we try to make things as we want them to be, Truth is Truth no matter how we try to manipulate it to our liking. Truth is undeniable because Truth IS Truth. Jesus said “I AM the Way, the TRUTH, and the LIFE”. I’m good with that.

Actually, Buddhism in essence is an atheist religion.
The basic tenet of Buddhism is to elevate your spirit to a high level, so that you will not be forced to reincarnate in this world, where everything is suffering. Life is suffering, death is suffering, disease is suffering, etc.

In this regard, it doesn’t matter whether there is God or not. The debate about his existence or non-existence is irrelevant.

Needless to say, Buddhism like other religions went through changes and gave birth to many branches.

Interestingly, the Greek philosopher Plato said something similar to (original) Buddhism: The purpose of philosophy (He coined the term, meaning love of wisdom) is to provide a shortcut to the loving Creator by eliminating the necessity to reincarnate many times.

BTW, the concept of “love” is not very big in the East, India, China, Japan…

Buddhists often speak of compassion and wisdom but never love. (Probably because love can generate attachment to certain things and individuals. Attachment can hamper growth into a higher realm, I suppose)

In my view, Jesus, a Greek speaker, must have known or read the works of Plato.

Discernment between objective Truth and Subjective truth is blurring the lines with confirmation bias as its agenda. That is when such debates become dangerously threatened to be lost altogether.

The main theme of the movie “Rashomon” by Akira Kurosawa is: One man’s truth is another’s illusion.

Rashomon is an old Japanese movie and for a long time I was confused about the whole plot.
Rashomon - Wikipedia

In recent years we have seen many cases of the “Mandela Effect” where even religions are not immune. (I recently mentioned Isaiah 11: 6 “The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb” Huh? Where does the wolf come from?)

What we have believed to be absolute truth can be changed radically overnight.

I understand, but I still hold that truth is truth… it just is. It’s like mathematics… undeniable and not subject to change or manipulation to suit a need, like or want.

If you are claiming there are different kinds of truth, I suppose we could agree somewhat… people see truth in different ways… comprehend truth in different ways. I’m saying none of that matters because truth is just truth… like mathematics.

The truth I’m talking about is the truth Jesus spoke… Biblical truth. It can’t be changed or altered to fit one’s own personal notion of it. it is what it is… truth. That is what get’s the false teachers in trouble… and what we are to beware of… “Be not deceived”.

The Dead Sea Scrolls discovered “accidentally” in 1945 were penned during the lifetime of Jesus by the people who knew him personally. These people were not the Pharisee Joos (whom Jesus considered satanic) but the Joos who were closer to Jesus and lived in the same community at Qumran.

What’s my point? The authors of the Dead Sea Scrolls called Jesus a false teacher, because John the Baptist was their man.