The lies we have heard from the media


I’ve never known a time when literally every government department and governmental agency, and even commercial outfits, so routinely lie through their teeth. I know they always have to one degree or another, but this is constant and more worryingly blatant. I’m not quite sure if there’s an agenda going on, or whether they’re just plain stupid and are lying to cover up their failures and incompetence. But in summary, and hearing what those NYC nurses reported, I think I’ll go with the former, because hospitals today seem to be the new ‘killing fields’. So I guess the message is this - stay the fuck out of hospitals?


It’s much more than slashing hospitals, up and down the line of the medical treatment chain availability for “nonessential” services has been slashed. Create an artificial shortage so the crisis can be solved by Medicare for all or some other scheme like a public option.

Read Obama’s first choice for HHS secretary Tom Daschle’s health care policy book. Hospitals and clinics are engaged in a wasteful arms race to provide access to the latest diagnostic equipment and treatments. The little people can stand in line for their “fair” allocation of care. If they die waiting that just serves the public interest. :grimacing:

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As David Icke put it, in a video I watched last night . . . they create a crisis then offer a solution to it, and that is precisely what this coronavirus shit has been about. Surely Gates and Fiucci must be held to account for the breathtaking damage they’ve caused, including thousands of deaths and millions of ruined lives?

As well as the state governments that have instituted draconian measures in their quest for more control over the people.

The virus is not being treated as a medical/health issue.

It’s being treated as a political issue.


Ah, no there is no accountability for the pandemic fear mongers. Fauci is raised to a demigod status especially when the Resistance media can claim there is a difference between him and Trump. Gates owns the WHO, bought and paid for. Instead of recognizing the corruption the WHO is used as an excuse for censorship by organizations like Facebook. :roll_eyes:

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After the initial belief of the official narrative it wasn’t long before I realised there was much more to it than countering ‘a deadly virus’ - especially when the demonizing of CCP came into the story. It reminded me how the novichok crap was invented to demonize Russia at the time, as an excuse to hold NATO military exercises on its doorstep. The West has gone mad but we’re blaming everyone else. It’s a bit like ‘the madman always believes he’s sane, and that it’s everyone else who’s mad. At first I thought it was to introduce a world digital currency, but am now convinced it’s always been Gates’ megalomania to enrich himself even richer than he already is: the irrational ambition to acquire more wealth that someone can spend in the span of a lifetime is a form of mental illness.

Talking of ‘pandemic fear mongers’, the BBC makes all the other doomsayers look like amateurs. It has become so neurotically obsessed by the scam that when I’m channel-hopping, no matter what time of the day it is, ie. inside and outside of all scheduled news slots, the word ‘Caronavirus’ tag is prominent on-screen, and there’s some talking head (usually kitted out in surgical mask etc :roll_eyes: ) repeating the official line, and being extremely well-paid for doing so? And the emphasis is always on the latest ‘coronarvirus deaths’ hyperbole. In other words it has totally taken over 95% of the entire news schedule output, almost as if the BBC wonks are milking it for all it’s worth while it lasts.

Keep in mind the “opportunity” the Chinese virus provides for restricting access to health care. Thousands of hospital beds have been reserved for pandemic patients only to go unused
Meanwhile, cancer and heart disease patients as well as many other conditions are classified as nonessential with access to care so restricted healthcare workers are being laid off and hospital wings shuttered. Overall it’s a great boost to the government run healthcare system fulfilling its primary goal, spending reduction. :flushed:

Deep State history of manipulating the MSM.


We have empty hospitals with people being laid off.


Exactly, Democrats want to preserve the current situation as long as possible so as to pave the way for a permanent reduction of medical services. After the virus pandemic subsides budgets will not revert to providing so-called nonessential services. Instead, the rationing will be labeled as savings.

We had two hospitals which were never used too - probably because there wasn’t enough staff - or there were plenty of staff but they didn’t have any PPE. Just imagine the colossal cost of 2 new hospitals being built, equipped, and staffed, but never used because of politicians’ knee-jerk overreaction and panic. But hey, that’s career politicians for you, and it was only taxpayer pounds? And as you say, the cancelled heart surgeries, and cancer patients waiting for diagnostic results or chemo, and all that spare capacity there to be used, but not for them? I keep saying it, but I really do despair of the fools who are governing this country of mine.

Here is the prediction. Spare capacity created for the Chinese virus pandemic will be cut. Who could object?

Only minimal capacity for so-called nonessential medical care will be restored creating another crisis for government to step in and handle. In countries with socialized medicine this will be an opportunity to cut the healthcare budget. In the US it will be an opportunity to advance socialized medicine by at minimum introducing contrivances like the “public option”. Never let a crisis go to waste even if you have to create one

We also have temporary facilities built in the state. Minion spent and none have be used or need to date. Just a slight over reaction.

Finally the gov is allowing elective surgery and thee is a huge back up with people scheduled over 3 months out.

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I totally agree with that! The Deep State has always controlled the narratives. It’s no wonder folks like “Fredo”, Don Lemon-less, the NY Times and others have only one narrative - to report what THEY want us to read and hear. So much so, the more they try to drill it in our heads, we already know they are liars from the start. Not even facts that they even “report” (if you can even call it that anymore), but mostly opinions on “facts they think are somehow accurate” and a “WE must agree with them, or we don’t know what we’re talking about”. mentality.
I consider the NY Times one huge comic page - mulitiplied by many pages of the same. I laugh at the stuff they purposely inserting for us to read. Maybe they should change their motto to: “All the laughs to fit to print”.

I could go on. But I think I used up my space for the day. Lol

Good to see that Mark Dice is still around! I listened to him on his youtube channel. I will have to go see if he has it still.



I’m now more or less convinced it’s all to do with disposing of cash money worldwide by pretending to ‘fight coronavirus’ and pay out squillions in world currencies for furloughed workers, and then bingo - we have digital money. Think of the control that would mean for ‘them’? For example, any social media troublemakers/whistleblowers could be made bankrupt and never work ever again at the push of a computer key. Job done?

People are overmedicated.
The less people visit the hospital, the better.

Let the medical establishment go bankrupt because it’s in bed with the media spreading fear and anxiety.

Beneath the politics of convenience is the reality that a large segment of the U.S. government really does operate without much transparency or public scrutiny, and has abused its awesome powers in myriad ways. And sometimes the government bureaucracy really does exercise power over the commander in chief: Obama felt that the military pressured him into sending more troops to Afghanistan than he had wanted, while an inexperienced George W. Bush was arguably led to war by a bipartisan cadre of national security insiders who had long wanted to take out Saddam Hussein.

Even the Trump critique about the deep state in revolt, however exaggerated, is worth consideration. Hillary Clinton voters might delight in the classified material gushing forth about the president’s men—but its release can be criminal. (In May, Brennan calledthe intelligence leaks “appalling.”)

Powerful bureaucrats with access to government secrets and trusted media friends certainly do try to influence presidents from the shadows. But in Washington, at least, their views and goals are not monolithic.

Some of the subversion and leaks Trump has faced are merely federal employees defending their turf from budget cuts and bone-headed ideas. That’s far from the way the right-wing blogger Mike Cernovich described matters in August, when he told fellow conspiracy theorist and talk-radio host Alex Jones that the deep state would turn, literally, murderous: “Trump will be killed. … They’re going to kill us, they’re going to kill him, they’re going to kill everybody.”

For Trump, a man who has always defined himself against caricatured enemies, the deep state is a useful boogeyman that allows him to merge several disparate political targets—real, exaggerated and imagined—into a single villain he can use to rally his supporters. The media’s role is particularly crucial: When Fox News host Sean Hannity tweetedon June 16 that he would open his show that night with an examination of “the deep state’s allies in the media,” the president of the United States retweeted him. It’s not easy to make conservatives distrust law enforcement and intelligence officials, but showing them to be in league with snotty liberal reporters makes that possible.

And so, after Trump’s fired FBI director, James Comey, admitted in June that he had relayed accounts of his bizarre interactions with the president to a friend, who in turn shared them with a New York Times reporter, former Trump campaign manager Cory Lewandowski appeared on NBC and attacked Comey as “part of the deep state.” “He’s everything that’s wrong in Washington.” It was as clever as it was insidious. Americans might be foggy about what, exactly, the deep state really is.

The media is the tool of the deep state.
