The Islamic State is spreading again

Russia today is Ruled by Putin who is and always been a hard core communist at heart and a friggin’ former Soviet KGB officer.

His goal has been to reestablish the Russian Empire for as long as he’s been in politics.

Some 400,00-570,000 dead civilians and over a million refugees who have fled Syria in the last six years would beg to differ.

Big deal. Bush 41 was the Director of the CIA

He wrote a book in the 1990s as to how to revive the Russian economy by using its natural resources, namely oil and natural gas. How communist is it?

Christianity as its guideline.

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Dare I ask from where you got your information please?

What BS, The state controls the natural resources and just like under the soviet system he and his buddies at the top get fabulously wealthy while everyone else fights for scraps.

To claim Putin wants Christianity to be the guiding force in his regime is completely baseless bullshit.

41 headed the CIA under a constitutionally elected president, not a communist regime.

Putin on the other hand served for decades serving the communists and fought democratization tooth and nail. He and his KGB buddies became the modern incarnation of the Russian mob and he holds power the old fashioned communist way by killing off the opposition.

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From the casualty and refugee reports coming out of Syria for the last five years.

Do you have a better source?

What was he doing in Dallas TX on the day JFK was killed
(which he conveniently forgot)?

But you haven’t given a source. ‘Numbers I heard in reports coming out of Syria for the last five years’ isn’t a source is it??? Jesus effing wept! Getting an intelligent answer from you is like getting blood out of a stone!

Who knows, he was running a pretty successful oil company at the time.

You didn’t ask for a specific source.


Dare I ask from where you got your information please?

In total now there’s more than 3.5 million refugees and close to half a million dead.

Whatever the true statistics are, if the jihadists are using civilians as a human shield it’s hardly surprising that some civilians will get killed QE effing D???

You haven’t demonstrated that is what has been going on or causing those casualties.

Assad and the Russians will target an entire city or neighborhood with airstrikes, artillery, Gas, etc to kill a handful of insurgents, or in the case of Assad simply to spread terror.

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Tulsi Gabbard…

That is completely apparent.

The US, along with Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Israel, Turkey and other ally’s supported with training and arms many rebel groups (even that we had been in the battlefield with elsewhere) that had the common interest in Syria of overthrowing President Assad.

The US and it’s ally’s also attempted to overtly overthrow President Assad with a resolution for the use of force in Syria. With three failed attempts the covert means was used of training rebel groups in Jordan and elsewhere, supplied with arms confiscated from Gaddafi’s army, smuggled out of the CIA’s Benghazi annex to Turkey for distribution.

Of course president Assad was severely weakened. This is why his ally’s Russia and Iran intervened, and why he stands to this day.

Nice way of saying “terrorist groups”.

Brand new Toyota trucks straight from Texas

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These RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORIST GROUPS will always exist. They are like cancer, you remove it from one area, it shows up elsewhere. All countries have to remain vigilant and eliminate it when it starts without the government handcuffing the military.

Beadencup, there will always be extremist ideology, but it was much better when Hussein, Mubarak, Gaddafi and Assad were fully in power and gave no quarters to the extremists. Back then they had to operate in the shadows. They represented a threat to those dictatorships.

It’s the US, Israel and Saudi Arabia that are responsible for removing them (in the case of Assad, attempting to) and creating the power vacuums that extremists have exploited to their advantage…

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Monte, I will agree that Iraq and Libya are worse off now. Neither leader was a poster child for freedom and human rights, but they kept a tight lid on terrorists.

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Hell no they weren’t poster children for freedom. But they kept extremists in check within their borders, and all four of them protected Christians within their borders and those protections are GONE!!! Thanks to horrible USFP in the region for decades.

Btw, Gaddafi voluntarily surrendered his nuclear program and he still was regime changed. There’s no wonder that North Korea and Iran have sought the nuclear deterrent. The west CANNOT be trusted.