As they laugh their asses off at the US attempting to destroy what’s left of the manufacturing base and economy.
No, we’re facing down the barrel of a gun with the “solutions” the Left needs excuses to implement.
Who told you that?
You must realize that that is classic a reflechiz response.
Too many words…
The cost of the New Green Deal from a recent study suggests it will cost 93 trillion dollars over a 10 year period. No wonder why AOC is calling for a 70 percent tax rate. I suspect it wouldn’t stop there if they get their way in pushing this through. Shear insanity!
Of course they do. China also isn’t subject to the same job killing regulations we have here in the US. So not only are they able to openly pollute, but they’re also able to out manufacture us as well. Two birds with one stone. If libs really gave a shit about the economy and jobs here in the US, they would be calling for MORE tariffs on countries like China who do not follow our regulations to balance the playing field, not less.
And of course, they’ll never get that money from the rich, the rich can afford to lay back and not take profits or income if they need to. So they’ll have to get the money from the middle and upper middle class.
Absolutely, we shouldn’t be doing trade with countries who don’t have minimum environmental and labor protections. Nixon was an asshole for opening trade with China.
Of course! This would mean blatant theft from every citizen calling for over a 50% tax rate margin to meet this cost regardless of what bracket anybody falls in. This is exactly what Venezuela 2.0 looks like!
Socialism and Environmentalism: how Leftist eat golden eggs and the goose that laid them

Absolutely, we shouldn’t be doing trade with countries who don’t have minimum environmental and labor protections. Nixon was an asshole for opening trade with China
Nixon was an asshole for opening trade with China, but our subsequent leaders were bigger assholes for selling out the American Worker by taking bribes from the CHICOMNS! Ryan, Feinstein, McConnell anyone?
Environmentalism to the left is a huge deception! Its a talking point for garnering votes to push for Socialism. When scientists disagree with the fundamental concepts of so called Global warming claims by the left, that should tell you something! They seem to shutter any debate on the topic in order to keep doubling down on such narratives.
Few are green that aren’t red under the rind.
HA! LOl! Good one!
A 70% tax rate wouldn’t even begin to cover the cost even if it was a flat tax.
Nixon was actually right, GHWB, and Clinton screwed the pooch with MFN trade status and Clinton turning a blind eye to all of the industrial espionage, patent infringement etc.
Of course if you remember back his campaigns were largely funded by the Chinese.
AlGore, “No controlling Legal Authority” ring any bells?

A 70% tax rate wouldn’t even begin to cover the cost even if it was a flat tax.
That’s the shocking truth of it.
These blithering leftwing idiots seem to actually believe this garbage. Somehow the “rich” are going to pay for it all.
Math is not their strong suit.
We’d have to increase the federal budget by over 10x to even make a start on it and even if we could seize the total wealth of the “rich” in this country along with their incomes it wouldn’t even make a dent just in this alone much less enable us to keep meeting current obligations.
You left out the part of seizing corporations to be state owned in order extract even more taxes, much like what China does!