California is Atlas Shrugged come true.
I see it, and several other states as well.
With a doze of Oedipus Rex and Brave New World thrown in for bad measure.
Who is John Gault…………
I’m sorry but we’re facing down the barrel of a gun with climate change, and particularly young people and communities of color are looking for businesses and government to step up.
what is it with people like you always bringing up race FFS, what does race have to do with climate change?
Why dont you people go after China as they are the biggest polluters on the planet with their factories, ever been to Beijing in the Summer ?
What does China have to do with liberating people of color from oppression in the United States and finally having our corporate and government leaders address the deadly issue of climate change?
narrow minded I see, you just mentioned Climate change,do you think America is responsible for Climate change?
And as in oppressed? please you’re a troll
There is no way you are real, I wonder which fake profile are you .
Oppressed …
Who the fuck is oppressed in the United States in 2019?
By the way, what ever happened to the Harry Reid high-speed rail between LA and Vegas?
Old white males.
It is not the government’s job to provide the changes that are needed to end discrimination. That time has long passed, and the government has done just as much as it can do. It’s up to society to change. Be the example. Don’t just complain- do something. Improve impoverished communities, found outreach programs.
Because it is Climate Change and China is a big contributor of pollution, which has everything to do with Climate Change?
What does the oppression of people of color have to do with climate change?
and straight white males too
How about stepping up yourself instead of depending on government.
A novel idea, self reliance.
p.s. Damn cold here with more snow.
We can take care of that by flipping one switch.
So much idiocy in one short post.
China has twice the greenhouse gas emissions of the US and is still climbing.
Even if it could be shown that CO2 is the driver of “climate change” we could cease all carbon emissions tomorrow and it would do nothing to affect “climate change”.
Hell, we’re not even halfway through an expected 50,000 year warming cycle that was predicted long ago before AGW was even a thought.
What oppression?
What man made climate change?
Do you have any evidence that supports your over the top claim?
Also, do you not recognize that “green” technology also creates other environmental problems? For example, Ted Kaczynski, aka the UnaBomber, explained in one of his books that “green” technology has an environmental threat of it’s own. Wind turbines for example take a lot of energy and money to build, and kill tons of birds each year. Having too many of these significantly decreases the bird population which indirectly increases the rodent population, which leads to other problems.
The Green New Deal is supported by.
The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
The United Nations Environment Program
Global Marshall Plan Initiative advocates for a sustainable global economy.
The European Green Party
The New Economics Foundation in the United Kingdom