The Green New Deal

Fox stated the Merced to Bakersfield is still on the table??? Where did they get it wrong?

So back to my response. The LIB narrative was that high speed rail is a viable alternative to air travel. California was held as a model for that viable alternative. That clearly isn’t the case.

The headline makes it sound like the entire rail project is scrapped. That isn’t true.

I’m glad he is stopping the project through LA and SD. It just wouldn’t work. However the more rural areas would be primed for high speed rail.

So this is really good news!

Got it! :rofl:

No, Samm.

What they are saying is they will snuggle up for warmth at night next to the campfire you built, the food you hunted and partake in all of it.

The next day, warm and fed, they will throw stones at you.

Didn’t California just reject high speed rail? Too expensive.

and the commissar governor Brown of the Democratic people’s republic of California rejected the Medicare for all as it was too expensive too

Libs needs a reality check from time to time

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The high speed rail was what 77 billion. Medicare for all was, what 400 billion?

Call out to AOC… Here are the realities that rain on your parade. :joy:

Hey, edit to add. Isn’t Commissar Brown the guy who ignored the actual science behind forest management? How much did his willful ignorance contribute to “global warming” and the destruction of properties and death of human beings and wildlife.

yeppers, but hey he is a Democrat and they aint too bright

How many are in prison for being not too bright?

The man should be in prison.

These days, they won’t wait until the next day, they will be chastising you for killing the planet all the while they are enjoying the benefit of those things.

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Construction is underway.

An independent analysis of Sanders’s plan conducted by the left-leaning Urban Institute estimated that it would cost $32 trillionover 10 years.

It sounds utopian… Until the bill comes due.

Then it is Republicans raining on the parade.

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But it does keep the leftists chanting, ranting and protesting.

Keeps them irrelevant and a laughing stock?

There. I fixed it for you. :wink:

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That’s okay. It’s only money. They can print as much as we need.

Had I a large pile of money, I’d invest in a wheelbarrow company. We’ll need lots of them to push bushels of money to the counter to pay for a day’s worth of food.

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from where to where?

From no where to no where.

Fresno and Madera county.

Looks like at this pace they should finish around the year 2500.