The Great Kyle Rittenhouse is out of jail! TRIAL and Updates!

That was self defense also, the self defense of his younger SISTER McKenzie, this was when some random Black bitch starting HITTING McKenzie for NO apparent reason and so Kyle did what a big brother would do, he smacked that Black bitch for HITTING his sister.

Let’s face it as a big group of big Black dudes were also hanging around and IF Kyle had NOT have been there chances are the big Black dudes would have ended up gang-raping McKenzie and probably killing her.

I mean shit, big brothers have to defend their little sisters when feral zoo animals are on the loose.

The Black bitch cannot be considered a female considering it was acting like a feral zoo animal on Crack, probably to show off in front of the gang of big Black dudes:

Screen Shot above from the below article:

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Amazing , no jail time!!! He would have fun in gen pop.

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Ppl like money hate Americans so much they side with men that rape boys anally 11 years old.
It’s crazy we don’t demand ppl like monte either bend the knee to trump or gtfo of America, on a slow boat with holes in it lol


The incident is irrelevant to this trial because of the 404 rule I keep telling you about. Have you heard of the term “open door”? If the defense asks the judge for permission to enter “character evidence” into court the judge can chose to allow it, but then the prosecution will insist the door has been opened and therefore they too will be able to enter character evidence on the defendant and vise versa. It cannot be simply presented without permission, thus the 404 rule…

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Monte it was YOU not ME who brought it up.


Him smacking that turd has nothing to do with this case

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No ma’am, I did not bring up character evidence, YOU did and I responded to it. For the “victims” or the defendant character evidence is irrelevant….:man_shrugging:

Fk them and each and every liberal Democrat cksucker here. Come and take them!


Johnny Cochran Monte


The fact this kid is on trial should start a civil war, harassment for self defense shall not be tolerated

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If I were the defense lawyer for Rittenhouse and was watching this, there is no doubt I would cross examine by recalling him to the stand, because I am pretty sure that he is lying here and has perjured himself. This guy was a convicted felon who was in possession of a hand gun who faces charges. This guy has no credibility and by recalling him would not only humiliate him but CNN for not asking him about his legal status. This is why I hate CNN and any other fking leftist MSM, they simply have an agenda to discredit any one acting in self defense by exercising their 2nd Amendment rights!

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Lets have Federal Skateboard Control Laws.


Dude, I mean you know Monte darling you are sort of starting to sound like my ex-husband and you know Monte darling that’s why I divorced him because he drove me up the fucking wall!

Jitss the PLAN is literally the Leftists which INCLUDE the POS MSM do NOT WANT White folks defending ourselves, what they WANT is to just for us to lay down and take it and DIE already, their Anti-White HATRED is now so fanatical it’s off the charts.

You know my partner is a Black dude and he is now HATING the Leftists, we have had so many conversations about this and he’s a Black dude and he’s saying the Left are Marxists and Racists and him and many other Blacks are now with us ie. the White Christian Conservative folks. Many Blacks are waking up and KNOWING the Left HATE them and have just USED them for decades, it’s the same with the Hispanics, this was illustrated in Virginia when Glenn Youngkin got a HUGE vote from Virginia Hispanics. The Blacks and the Hispanics know who the Racists are and they know WHICH crowd are dividing the nation and it’s NOT White Christian Conservatives also many Blacks and Hispanics are CHRISTIANS themselves and are for example VERY Anti-Abortion on Demand and VERY Anti-LGBTQ.

That POS is burning in Hell…Rot In Hell you filthy POS. Good Riddance.

Most are too lazy, they prefer to just bitch about shit. WTF has happened is that most of this nation are now dumbed down, I mean if we woke up tomorrow and 100 MILLION Chinese troops were on the streets then MORE than HALF this nation would just bitch about it and then go back to watching the TV and not give a fuck.

America has TURNED AWAY from Our Lord Jesus Christ and as such this nation is beyond doomed, it’s over dude, actual Patriots need to keep the powder dry because when the place implodes it’s us who are going to stand up and start the LONG PROCESS of REBUILDING this nation back into something MORAL and DECENT and NORMAL and HEALTHY and CLEAN.

And in The New America ALL political parties will be OUTLAWED, we should have NO political parties, when we began we had NO political parties, Centuries ago Communities just worked together to do shit for the COMMON GOOD of ALL the Community and when The New America rises I think we should RETURN to doing things THAT way.

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That’s terrible Miss Lucy……:flushed:

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You could do a better job of advancing your position if you gave an actually possible example….:thinking:

Yeah you bet it is, so STOP it already Monte darling :upside_down_face:

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