The Great Kyle Rittenhouse is out of jail! TRIAL and Updates!

What a DOOFUS the prosecutor is. He has all the skills of Marsha Clark and Chris Darden . He is lucky to prosecute a parking ticket. At least the judge knows how incompetenr he is.Mr. Rittenhoyse clearly acted in self defense being reasonably sure his life was in danger.
All the excuse making Liberals need to STFU and realize how BLM entraps and endangers white people for pyblic sympathy.

Court tv commentator is triggered lol

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The defense attorney needs to rest his case days ago… the more this goes on the more the moron DA can just play videos of Kyle shooting ppl in self defense

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And it’s not over with this guy. He was illegally in possession of a firearm, and he was known to drive without a driver’s license and my prediction is he’ll be a troubled young man and in the spot light again in the future….

There’s no such thing as a illlegal gun in America read the second amendment


Rule 404 Lucy……………:thinking:
The prosecution has a video of Rittenhouse engaged in battery of a woman previous to the event he’s on trial for now, but again, the 404 rule….

As a child lol ………….

Monte would you like to delete anything?


Holy shit! The judge just said about lunch , “ I hope that Asian food isn’t on a boat off Long Beach island “ lol based!

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I am amazed that watching the trial, knowing what took place, that anyone could honestly say it was not self defense. Monty, you usually back up things you say, but on this you make some assumptions that I would expect from an adolescent. A 17 year old engaging in banter about criminals on TV is hardly evidence of intent to murder, and you know it. If it was, half the Dem party should be in prison for threatening the life of Donald Trump.
The kid was attacked, and clobbered with a large skateboard- to thos asswipes on MSNBC or CNN that argue ‘you can’t kill someone with a skateboard’ - let’s have someone swing one hard and downward - do the Mythbusters bit on measuring velocity, weight momentum, etc. and have it automatically swung at Joy Reid’s head.
As to the silliness about his driver’s license that’s up there with Stalin’s ‘show me the man; I’ll show you the crime.’ C’mon man!

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Sir Monte, as usual, you cherry pick about Mr.Rittenhouse. That isn’t what this trial is Stay on the subject at hand qithout sidetracking.

There is something I like about this judge


Society was done a big favor!!!

Pretty insightful analysis by Turley on the Rittenhouse case.

Well, it’s been a lot more than a few hours. I don’t see it getting tossed, but with the prosecutions failure to persuade the jury (I think….:thinking:) of “murder”, my expectation is acquittal on at least one murder charge and the attempted murder charge and guilty on the weapons charge, a misdemeanor and probably time served on that……

He’s a hero, a real American action figure, he should be given awards not harassment from anti Americans

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Montes hero