The Evil Zelensky Regime

Based upon what………….

Aniti American huh? So much so you shamelessly supported a president who wants to contrive a war in order to create a distraction from his ultimate incompetency and failures that innocent lives have to suffer? Anti American, is that what you called your resistance during the years when President Trump was in office? You are the disgusting one here, a Hypocritical fat pig at best as that is pretty obvious!

This describes you and your kind to “T” so spare us your gaslighting and you ignorant outrage, you leftists are part of the problem not the solution.

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the west won’t stop buying russian gas but it will make sure no russian can buy Call of Duty Trans Warfare 6

lines around the block in Moscow for high fructose corn syrup rations, black market “ru paul’s drag race” blu rays, this is how the west pictures isolation

At this point Poland is very vocally rejecting the idea of transferring their old planes to Ukraine… at least directly. They may need to come up with a way to distance Poland from the actual transfer, but there remain concerns about how to deliver planes from anywhere into Ukraine without Russia throwing a fit, or perhaps even attacking the planes in the air as they arrive over the border. There’s more, but suffice to say it’s not simple and likely won’t happen overnight if at all.

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That’s right……

Or no wars under trump. Peace though strength

As the history books recorded, Absolute greatest Living president in the history of the world

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My point–in case it is not obvious–is that it has been about a century and a quarter since America acted unethically by starting a war.

Was that really not apparent to you?

I really do not remember those “examples.”

So let me inquire, please: Just what “examples” are those?

Based upon the fact that the American people are not stupid; so majority opinion is more often right than it is wrong. (Not always; but certainly more often.)

No, of course it wasn’t because you gloss over the sinking of the Lusitania, the provocations to Japan , the gulf of Tonkin and 9/11…….

What an amazing resemblance between the two….:thinking:

Only when you’re in that majority. Probably when it comes to things like the 2020 election results, your reasoning wouldn’t hold. Am I right……

Gas and food prices are through the roof, nobody except the rich can afford a house anymore, inflation has us effectively earning less money than we did ten years ago with stagnant wages and yet millions of “normal” Americans are convinced the enemy is 8000 miles away in Moscow. Pretty fucking stupid if you ask me.

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Haha, that’s pretty funny……

Wrong, Moscow is our enemy in addition to the gender wage gap, racism, white supremacy, climate change, and not enough taxation. Check your privilege, chud.

Then go to Ukraine and fight. I’m sure that nothing bad will happen to you. Show them what real gender equality looks like on the front lines. Don’t worry, no one will want anything to do with that stank roast beef sandwich rotting between your legs.


I swear to God some of these people would suck a dick to prove they’re not supporting the second coming of Hitler. America is a nation of brainwashed idiots, left, right, it doesn’t matter the truth doesn’t matter it’s the one thing you will never get from a politician, government, or their media is nothing more than propaganda selling the lie, and cheering for war. People can’t think for themselves, they need other people to tell them what to think, and what to believe, they’re lazy thinkers although it’s much more than that. It’s easy to fool people when you don’t have to prove it because people have faith. The left is no different than the right, people have faith in their government is their God, and the pundidiots, paid political operatives, and propagandists in the media have become prophets. Brainwashing complete, brainwashing effective, people will follow their leader over a cliff like a brainwashed Trump supporter lured to the capital by their cult leader, they’ll do more time in prison than anyone responsible for 9/11 or anyone else guilty of traitorous crimes, war crimes, and crimes against humanity.

Lmao, now that’s good and funny….

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Its dumb fking nitwits like you that is the cancer of the country! A cancer that desperately needs eradicating.

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