The Cult of Trump

It can exist without the capitalist backbone but it cannot persist for very long. Central control by gov’t over entire economies has failed everywhere it has been tried.

Consumers will always know what they need and want better than gov’t can dictate it and private enterprises will always be better at making sure the supply meets or exceeds the demand.

There aren’t enough bureaucrats on the planet to do the job that hundreds of millions of us do on our own every day as both suppliers and consumers.

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Big big …huge difference between services provided by state/local vs federal. A socialist state still allows strong and independent Americans to move where Momma Gubmint does not live. A socialist country , however, forces all American to accept such a system with no recourse. The hardworking independent types will be FORCED to give the fruits of their labor to your stupid shit hole illegals.

Trump is a malignant narcissist and a sociopath. I’m quite sure he has a negative net worth.

So prove it! Stop talking shit and back it up with facts!

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Both. He’s running this nation like he ran his so-called businesses.

Although I’d say that Hillary is the worst politician I’ve ever seen, Obama and McCain or Romney were worse choices. Hillary is totally crooked, but Obama did much more lasting damage than a simple crook would do. As GOP nominees, I can’t decide which one was worse - McCain, a stupid crooked phony or Romney, a smart unprincipled phony.

Then there was Bush-Kerry, that was so bad I voted for Marilyn Chambers.

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That may be true, without his tax returns, how can we know?

Great line from the movie “Apocalypse Now” - this is like giving out speeding tickets at the Indy 500.

Welcome to more hackneyed liberal loathing of Trump? Naaah

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Can you provide copies of the medical assessment that shows he is a narcissist?

Or are you just making shit up?


I’m doubly sure you have absolutely no basis for such a statement other than your own prejudice.

Your net worth is not reported on your tax returns smart guy.

I’ll go with the latter.

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So is Chuckie and Nancy not to mention most of the idiots running for President from the extremist eft.

Each of the leftists are clearly idiots governing in their own realm of stupidity.

Doesn’t seem to be doing to badly in spite of the leftists blocking him at every turn.

Imagine what could be accomplished if they tried compromise instead of obstruction.

The dimwitocrats have given obstruction a whole new definition.


A malignant narcissist? LMFAO

Sociopath ? and you have proof of this right?

Negative net worth? So I suppose Forbes, Bloomberg and those keeping track of the 1% net worth is lying or inept

Got it.

So you know different, so what are your facts since you’re so sure of his negative net worth?

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We didn’t elect Obama.

Ignorant stupidity.

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The Trump economy and open Anti-Semitism of the left are going to make voter demographics interesting in 2020 in key states as more Hispanic, Black and ■■■■■■ voters wake up.