The Anti Communist China Thread

Are you defending the Obama administration provocations towards China, snicker.

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Monte, Communist China doesn’t own all of the South China Sea. U.S. Navy ships have sailed past those islands in International Waters.Communist China can easily militarily intimidate any of the nearby countries.
Communist China takes deliberate steps to provoke the U.S. and a direct military confrontation with them would be costly in casualties.
You fail to or don’t want to understand they want total world domination and must be opposed at at all times.

Dr.Manhattan, I don’t mind feeding into the Monte Troll not only for the entertainment value but it shows his obtuseness. Feeding Monte is like feeding the monkeys at the zoo.

Roxiebell, have you heard of the planet U-R-ANUS??? That is where he’s from and was stranded here when his spaceship crashed.

No, they don’t own it necessarily. Does the US own Hawaii, Puerto Rico and Arizona?

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Please explain what those “steps” have been.

And do me a favor and quote the post you’re replying to, please sir. :pray:t2:

Monte, one step is the threatening of an INDEPENDENT TAIWAN!!!

Well, technically Taiwan has never in a official capacity declared its independence from China. Just so you know, but they are for the most part a separate independent state, that has democratic values. China’s plan for reuniting Taiwan with mainland China is through subverting their political system to the point that they will eventually decide to peacefully to reunite by way of using such political systems through coercion and subverting the people’s vote to their favour! You have to remember one thing about the CHICOMS, they play the Long game, to which could span to a hundred years, thus their plan has never involved using military force to take back Taiwan, for to do so would be extremely adverse to their standing in the world currently. The same can be said about Hong Kong. They can easily go into Hong Kong with their military and take it by force, but then what? If that were to happen The entire world would be on notice to rebuke China’s aggression and no doubt would cost them economically as they simply have too many people to feed and would probably collapse their economy to the point that their own people would revolt.

Haha, you’re opening a can of worms.

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The US does more than threaten. We conduct regime changes openly through war and covertly with the CIA. :man_shrugging:

The first regime change in the 20th century was the “Russian” Revolution. Trotsky was groomed by the Rockefellers in New York and sent back to Russia to assist the Revolution just like Lenin who wasn’t even in Russia either.

It is called “Russian” but it was a ■■■■■■ takeover of Russia.

The regime change was achieved with the help from Imperial Japan which attacked Russia in 1904 without any provocation. (Imperial Japan was basically ruled by Japanese Freemasons and the war was financed by the Rothschild agent Jacob Schiff.) This war severely damaged the prestige of the Czar.

Average Russians had no intention of bringing down the Czar, much less murdering him and his entire family.

The communist revolution in China was also financed by the Rothschilds.


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The US does more than threaten. We conduct regime changes openly through war and covertly with the CIA.

The first regime change in the 20th century was the “Russian” Revolution.

It is called “Russian” but it was a ■■■■■■ takeover of Russia.
It was done with the help of Imperial Japan who attacked Russia in 1904 without any provocation. (Imperial Japan was basically ruled by Japanese Freemasons and the war was financed by the Rothschild agent Jacob Schiff.) This war severely damaged the prestige of the Czar.

Average Russians had no intention of bringing down the Czar, much less murdering him and his entire family.


Can you please address the thread derailing by didgevillsge please! This has nothing to do with thread topic! Thanks

Communist China and the Rothschilds are inseparable.

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Why do you have invade other people’s threads all the time with this bullshit? Why don’t you create your own thread? And you wonder why I ridicule you? Because it’s shit like this is a perfect example of you being a retard! This is not a conspiracy thread if you are so interested in this topic go and create your own thread topic and stop to trying to derail this one!

You really need psychologist’s help.

You are making yourself look ridiculous.

I’m telling it like it is.

Another sign you need help

Google Features Chinese Communist Party’s Message About Religion

I will be posting this story on a separate thread today! Because not sure people are going here anymore for obvious reasons!