Actually…it is. Mocking women of color for wearing the color of the suffragettes is deeply offensive and racist.
If you are disturbed then find a safe place to go cry.
Racist? That worn out old liberal snowflake war cry
You just joined 10 minutes ago. Are you already thinking you are a moderator to tell me to stop?
Typical white response. That’s right, my thoughts and political perspective as a black woman don’t matter.
Your white privilege is showing.
As I said, get over yourself. Get a life. Find something real to be outraged about like the suffrages of current day slavery compliments of the democrats and open borders.
Do you enjoy speaking down to black people?
No. When I see a racist I call them out.
Do black people have to wait longer to post here? I’m confused.
No. But I will make the moderators ban racists.
And who is the racists here?
It isn’t possible to be racist against white people as they are the creators of the systems meant to oppress people of color. Try again.
Out comes the victim card.
Then take a look in the mirror.
Then your time here will be dependent upon your further racist and race baiting posts.
Explain why Africa is hell on earth shitland and why so much of its population still lives in huts made of sticks and human shit?
Um…besides being a racist you also have no understanding of history. White people came to Africa and enslaved Africans and also stole much of their technology. White colonizers enslaved Africans in their own lands and slaughtered our best and brightest so marginally intelligent whites could rise to the top and maintain control.
There is a greater argument that people of color oppress people of color.
Personally, I couldn’t give a rat’s ass about how oppressed you think you are.
Bullshit. No independent agriculture, no animal domestication, no written language, no wheel, no political organization beyond chiefdoms.
Furthermore, please explain why blacks love to talk about how evil whiteys are when Bantus in Africa exterminated half the continent’s natives during the Bantu migrations.
Sub-Saharan Africans are literally relic peoples that have contributed nothing whatsoever to the world.
Prove me wrong. List accomplishments with sources.
You will soon learn that this is not a safe space and no one cares about being called racist.
I’ve been watching. @nia will quickly learn that we don’t cave to these kinds of demands. One more personal attack @nia and you will be banned. Have a nice morning!
How fitting - a pretty white girl gets to determine what’s racist and what isn’t. Unbelievable.
Bye bye …
Yeah. Is the message “white is good” ?
Get a clue. You don’t know what racism is.