šŸ•µ OBAMAGATE. How Obama Officials Plotted to Take Down Trump! ***UPDATE***

Has anyone stopped for a second and imagined what the media and the left would have done if Bush had opened an investigation against the Obama campaign, for any reason at all?


And talk about possible collusion with foreign adversaries there, cough Valerie Jarret cough

Its people like this that makes me sick to my stomach that that they are so willing to sell out our country to a communist regime.

Maybe her and Comey can swing from the same tree for their treasonous acts.


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Donā€™t leave out John Kerry who continues working with Iran to further their interests.

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Holy Crap! I just watched Juan Williams get ripped a new one! I never thought I would see this, and that woman is a microcosm of what the sentiment of Americans are feeling right now!

Juan Williams is a pinhead. He struggles to appear intelligentā€¦and fails more often than not.

The Five from yesterday is being replayed on Fox News at this time.

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Not that unusual. Williams is a frequent punching bag.

This is just the beginning in order to seize control of the oppositions narrative of obfuscation.

Within this article all PDF links are available for you to download. Credit Sundance for doing so!


What happens in this room stays in this room. So if you know something from outside this room, you want to comment to somebody else, including members of the media, you can do that. But if you learn something in this room from this interview, it is confidential and cannot be shared outside of this room.

Love it !

edit: I think Iā€™m going to need my wadersā€¦

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Maybe, but stay tuned, because declassification is going to happen soon, its why democraps are freaking out right now.

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This! Oh this is getting good! How will they try to obfuscate from the truth coming out on Flynn?

The story continues to unfoldā€¦as the lies and deceptions are revealed.

Keep in mind Flynn is still awaiting sentencing so thereā€™s not much he can say.

True, but the judge in that case has already requested the transcripts in which the FBI used to entrap Flynn. They are between a rock and a hard place when the judge finds out exculpatory evidence was purposefully withheld, and that is when the real fireworks will begin!

Yep. The problem is, Flynn cannot speak out publicly without risking harsher sentencing.

Heā€™s been between a rock and a hard place for a long time and itā€™s totally unjust.

Mind you, he deserved to be fired for lying during his vetting and exposing his boss to ridicule and probably should be convicted on the charge of acting as an unregistered foreign agent and fined substantially for same. He absolutely blew it and he knows it.

Democrats however decided to destroy him and his family for his lack of cooperation in their quest to destroy Trump.

Trump Orders Declassification! Its official and he is now in progress!

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That snowball gets bigger every day and itā€™s heading straight for the heart of the democratic party establishment.