đŸ•” OBAMAGATE. How Obama Officials Plotted to Take Down Trump! ***UPDATE***

Hence the latest “getting under his skin” talking point.

Liberals are nothing short of parrots
repeating sounds they do not really understand but heard one of their cage mates say.

This is their method of ingraining catch phrases in the minds of the public.

Repeat a lie often enough and it begins to look like the truth.

Like “cover up” in which nutty Nancy originally says then all of a sudden now all of MSM is using the same phrase?

Nancy says

Simon says


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Passing the buck or failure to carry out her duties when identifying an anomaly?

I think it was not her failure but her bosses skipping her normal participation in their haste to get things going, all the while knowing that the dossier was worthless bullshit.

Perhaps she wasn’t a member of the clique and they feared she might have noticed something was amiss.

Time will tell. I look for significant new revelations in the coming weeks
before mid June.

That makes sense and is probably closer to the truth, considering who was in the know and who wasn’t there is a consistent circle and she wasn’t in it!

Can’t wait for the IG report soon along with the declassification will make for turbulent times!

Here was an interesting article in regards to opening Pandora’s box!

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Another excellent article explaining what to expect once the declassification and IG report is released! The “We The People” need to be above the fray and white noise of parroting MSM to see and know the truth! Fireworks are coming!

When is Chuck Schumer up for re-election?

Very good article and an impressive site. The quality of member’s replies far exceeds ours.

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I vote for pressure from her superiors.

The bawling and squalling is going to reach epic proportions sooner rather than later.

I don’t think that is going to happen! As the latter article I posted by Sundance, there simply are too many in the DC FBI that are running the corrupt cabal that seeks to obfuscate and protect their elite class. Nothing is going to happen until AG Barr ramps up the pressure for wholesale changes to be made!

Yeah I just discovered it myself, so I am still exploring it!

No I’m referring to why she simply rubber stamped it. Even someone with good intentions would have serious pressure on them from both above and below.

Being stuck in the middle of a deal like that could literally be a career ender and of course those folks won’t hesitate to destroy anyone that gets between them and bringing down Trump.

Barr is a straight shooter and I think he was probably selected with the specific understanding that he’d spare no one and root out the corruption to the greatest extent possible. His past record would indicate he’s the kind of guy who will do what needs to be done.

If he doesn’t or won’t, I don’t know who else would be willing. It’s not like we could get someone like say Mark Levin appointed AG because that would scare the hell out of the entire establishment and the democrats would flat out riot.

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I doubt Levin would even succeed at being confirmed! Much like Joe DeGenova would not, they would appear to be biased, something I am sure that most in the committee hearings would bring up during the process!

That’s what I mean, the democrats would burn down DC to prevent someone like that from getting the job and it would be fought tooth and nail from within the DOJ and FBI for fear of all the heads that would roll.

Both are entirely biased, they are constitutionalists up and down and aren’t the least bit reserved about it.

I love that Levin is on the radio but it killed his chances of ever being appointed to any future posts.

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This agent doesn’t want Barr snooping around! What a bunch of crap! I don’t give a ratsass about sources and methods.

The truth needs to be told and people need to be held accountable for their actions. No one is above the law! Snow-flakes at large in this twatter thread!


They don’t have to reveal sources and methods to expose the fraud and the conspiracy to remove a sitting president. If there are any that must be revealed it will be done when they are prosecuted in court and that’s always been perfectly lawful and proper.

Another example of the desperation of democrats and deep state bureaucrats attempting to cover their asses and avoid exposure.