đŸ•” OBAMAGATE. How Obama Officials Plotted to Take Down Trump! ***UPDATE***

and even then, they won’t do it unless they win.

Well I don’t see it ending there if they win in 2020, because things will get worse for them in terms of trying to legislate and more unrest that will come.

IF the dem’s take control in 2020 you’ll see both legislative and executive actions more dramatic than anything since the great depression and at a blinding rate.

More unrest is exactly what they want. The more unrest the more heavy handed the response to quell it and the more rapidly they believe the opposition will be crushed.

Without anarchy and armed rebellion the country will never swallow the level of control they seek to achieve.

They are going to have 8 years of lost ground to make up. They are pulling out all stops to make sure is only 4 years of lost ground.

I have hopes we can replace RBG on the Supreme Court if Trump is reelected. Other than that I don’t have much hope that the country won’t continue to swing left.


The more things regarding SPYGATE are revealed, the worse it looks for the Obama Administration and the upper level FBI personnel.

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Well this is getting interesting and I am not sure why Trump hired Wray in the first place if he is now calling him out!

Is Wary, (cough excuse me) “Wray” days numbered?

Well if he is part of the swamp then they should be!

Everything flows downstream when learning new revelations pertaining to the coup plotters.


Top FBI officials were ‘quite worried’ Comey would appear to be blackmailing Trump

Laura Ingram is reporting that declassification might happen as early as next week.

Clinton and Obama were so sure this could not happen, I wonder if they got sloppy in covering themselves. This could top out with Brennan and Lynch. But if Strzok and his ilk are caught too, that will be some satisfaction.

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Don’t worry, the dem’s will be screaming that Trump is endangering our entire counter intel capability and putting lives at risk because of sources and methods being revealed.

Convenient huh?

Well with this little tidbit, things are about to get more intense and interesting at the same time!

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Yah, this is just getting started. I hate to take the political opportunist route but the timing could not be more perfect with the 2020 race just gearing up.

Has anyone stopped for a second and imagined what the media and the left would have done if Bush had opened an investigation against the Obama campaign, for any reason at all?


And talk about possible collusion with foreign adversaries there, cough Valerie Jarret cough

Its people like this that makes me sick to my stomach that that they are so willing to sell out our country to a communist regime.

Maybe her and Comey can swing from the same tree for their treasonous acts.


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