The House of Representatives votes on one or more articles of impeachment.
If at least one gets a majority vote, the president is impeached which essentially means being indicted.
The Senate, which holds a trial overseen by the chief justice of the Supreme Court.
A team of lawmakers from the House, known as managers, play the role of prosecutors. The president has defense lawyers, and the Senate serves as the jury.
There are no standard rules. Rather, the Senate passes a resolution first laying out trial procedures.
“When the Senate decided what the rules were going to be for our trial, they really made them up as they went along,” said Greg Craig, who helped defend Mr. Clinton in his impeachment proceeding and later served as White House counsel to President Barack Obama.
For example, Mr. Craig said, the initial rules in that case gave four days to the Republican managers to make a case for conviction, followed by four days for the president’s legal team to defend him — essentially opening statements. The Senate then decided whether to hear witnesses, and if so, whether it would be live or on videotape. Eventually, the Senate permitted each side to depose several witnesses by videotape.
The rules adopted by the Senate in the Clinton trial — including limiting the number of witnesses and the length of depositions — made it harder to prove a case compared with trials in federal court, said former Representative Bob Barr, a Georgia Republican who served as a House manager during the trial and is also a former United States attorney.
I don’t see enough of a case for impeachment.
The Mueller report exonerates the President sufficiently to take this away from the House D.
What they will do is smear Trump every day and threaten impeachment. It is all they have.
Trump policy has the economy running well and border security policy is taking hold and starting to show tangible results as the surge of migrants will soon ease with the summer heat.
Trump is a positive thinking force. The negativity of Pelosi and Schumer have no chance against him.
Isn’t this something a first year law student knew from the start of the witch hunt ? So why waste 2 plus years and $36,000,000 of taxpayer money ? I almost fell off the sofa when that BS artist Mueller said ,we ran a fair and impartial investigation !!! How was that even possible with every anti-Trumper on the his hit squad ??? Did he read Page and Strzok’s texts ??
There’s an overwhelming amount of evidence to support concerns that many top members of Mueller’s team have a politically-driven agenda to take down Trump.
Russian interference - Obama’s hot mic comment “I can do more after the election” . Hillary and the $145,000,000 from Russia for uranium one deal and the Clinton fraud foundation . Hunter and billion from China . Dianne Feinstein and the 20 year Chinese spy . Dems do seem to mind at all .
The question of impeachment is no longer a legal issue but is now a political issue.
Mueller wanted to get out…that as his escape. He didn’t want to face the Republicans because he knew what they would ask him.
It was just another bone thrown at the Democrats. He knew they would run with it. And they are. He’s clever like that. Lol
It was never legal. It was all political-driven to take out Trump. The Mueller Report (aka The Democrat Bible) has many holes in it. So much so, even the Democrats have overlooked the report itself. They are making assumptions because, they are too quick to react to any facts.
That is why Mueller pretty much throw them a bone. He even dares them to try and impeach Trump. It will fail anyways. And Mueller knows it - even though, he despises Trump himself.
The job of a prosecutor is to gather evidence and indict if there is enough proof.
In this case, Mueller is saying He may be innocent bit we didn’t find enough evidence to say he’s guilty.
The new America justice system, guilty until proven innocent.
And over what? Mueller had two years and an unlimited budget to investigate the president, and didn’t find sufficient evidence he committed a crime. Yet now, 68 days after he submitted his report, he suddenly and without invitation injects himself back into politics by riling up the lynch mob. As he leaves the stage, it’s definitely exit left.
This is what the Democrats are going batty over. Lol
It’s funny to read some of the comments from another forum, and how the Democrats are reacting to this. Lol
Trump is innocent all the way. The left and the Democrats want to manipulate the narratives and move the goal posts so many times…even that goal post is about to given in.
Yes! Our republic is squabbling in chaos! Meanwhile major moves are being made by Beijing! We need our country unified and the Marxists need to be executed! Yes I said it! It’s survival of our beloved country, and expedient means to rid us of these traitors is what’s needed! I have no solutions, just frustration and clouded vision of what the future looks like! We are moving in a direction that is going to test our countries resolve and I certainly have no love for the likes of Nadler, AOC, Omar, Talib, Pisslousey and any other Democrat that seeks to destroy me! I am so freaking pissed right now! I am making contingency plans right now! I got my guns, I know my food source and police ain’t coming to help me!
Even if he did…it wouldn’t matter at this point. Mueller knew about Comey. He must have known about Page and Strzok’s texs. It is now public.
He may or may not b innocent however they hav proved nothing so they haven’t exonerated him fueling the impeachment demands of the radical left.
He isn’t a perfect President by anyone’s imagination. But the things that are in the Mueller Report has been debunked. Although, there are some that should seriously be questioned. But nonetheless, I believe he is innocent. Until obviously proven guilty.
That is true…Trump was not exonerated. But that will change.
You can read the entire text from Page and Strzok here:
We are ruled by demented geriatric boomers determined to completely destroy everything before they drop dead. They probably thought that death would be cured by the time they got this old, and we might have, but they decided to spend everything on gay diseases, brown people, winnebagos and harleys instead.
Mueller actually said “we didn’t not find evidence of Trump obstruction but we didn’t find evidence but if we did it would be unfair to say and I will never speak on this subject again.”
He threw these assholes just enough red meat to keep this shit show going while also trying to cover his rear.
But the jokes on them. I’ve decided impeachment is the best thing that could happen. All the conservatives are saying “if they impeach it’s civil war 2.0.” They are full of shit of course.