@Ichigo_19 can you please update the title of this thread?
And yet he BOLDLY claimed the investigation was FAIR AND IMPARTIAL .
How is it wrong?..
My two cents…it implies that Mueller is speaking today at 11 as the title is in the present tense.
I had this posted when Mueller was speaking on Wednesday at 11am.
Yes - it is no longer Wednesday. The title is confusing now and no longer relevant. Mueller did speak. He has no plans to speak in less than 30 mins.
Only a moron would make that mistake.
Ahh - the personal attacks. Nonetheless, the title is still low-effort and absolute shit tier.
Yes, I know it’s Friday. Don’t worry about the title. I know it’s past tense. Lol
Maybe in his dreams. Lol
The entire speech was just nothing more than one of Mueller’s circus acts. He just wanted to get out fast. Lol
It’s only a personal attack if you actually think Mueller is talking again in 2 minutes
I believe that Mueller should be disbarred. This is really simple, no one is above the law, nor below the law. Mueller went on National TV, in the Department of Justice, and smeared the POTUS by saying that that had he proved a negative (that the President had not committed a crime) he would have stated so; he implied that the President was guilty of crimes. If a prosecutor can not make a case they are not to ruin the reputation through smear and innuendo. Mueller did that.
(f) except for statements that are necessary to inform the public of the nature and extent of the prosecutor’s action and that serve a legitimate law enforcement purpose, refrain from making extrajudicial comments that have a substantial likelihood of heightening public condemnation of the accused and exercise reasonable care to prevent investigators, law enforcement personnel, employees or other persons assisting or associated with the prosecutor in a criminal case from making an extrajudicial statement that the prosecutor would be prohibited from making under Rule 3.6 or this Rule.
As much as I would love to see Mueller barred, it is unlikely he will. I don’t think it will do any good. I am sure he is at the age he will retire soon with full pension.
My thing is, he should have never been “hired” or take the investigation in the first place.
To what end exactly? What is to be achieved?
- A party line vote in the house.
- The senate provides a party line vote the impeachment trial is dead.
Independents have a low opinion of the left and impeachment and it would lock in tight that democrats and the fact the far left are complete self centered asshats.
It’s likely to cement in 4 more years for trump, another win for the democrat party matching the race to the bottom win for Hilly.
p.s. Civil war 2.0? Not likely but you can expect the same treatment no matter who the next leftist asshat is elected to the WH.