Should President Trump Close the Southern Border?

You are correct, but as I pointed out earlier their main campaign contributors (and when we speak about the “R’s” we are speaking strictly of the RINOS) are the COC Tom Donahue who chairs the multinational companies on Wall Street are the obstructionists as well!

Back to overstayed visas again. You could just start a thread on it instead of trying to derail this one. But then that would be completely out of character for you. :roll_eyes:

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Trick answer:

Suspected terrorists that tried to enter the US does not equal terrorists who are not suspected an enter the US undetected.

Can you cite a link to back up this claim?

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I suggested that as well… but ya know got to derail :wink:

Who cares? The point is not securing the Southern border makes America vulnerable to having terrorists entering the country, and now that this has become world news as I am here in Asia and I see it is being broadcasted daily advertising to everyone and now the word is out that you can cross into the United States by way of Mexico. Also did you know that the number of people from other countries such as China, Pakistan, and BANGLADESH has also been increasing due to recent arrests? Maybe you should do a little more research before jumping to conclusions to make such ignorant sweeping generalizations!

True. What’s your point? I don’t know the number of unsuspected terrorists, entering the US through non ports of entry.

And neither do you

For the liberals, it doesn’t matter.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that thousands crossing the border undetected and illegally … just might… yup… just might have a terrorist or two or a hundred in the bunch.

But, no. They are ALL just people with good intentions that want to work for a living :roll_eyes:

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Yes, we should close the Southern Border. Not one person should cross that border without the proper documentation. If it takes a wall, lets build it. If it takes 100,000 men with fixed bayonets, lets get them down there. We should stop all illegal immigration. This thread concerns the Southern border and that’s what I will confine my remarks to.


So do thieves. Why should they be persecuted just because you don’t agree with their line of work? I mean here they are putting themselves in harm’s way when potentially going up against the next well armed home owner, the poor dears. Oh the humanity! Think of the children!

“In January 2018, a joint report by the Homeland Security and Justice departments stated that Homeland Security had 2,554 “encounters” worldwide with people on a watch list who were trying to travel to the U.S. Of them, 2,170 were trying to come by air, with 335 by land and the rest by sea. Nothing ties them specifically to Mexico“

Never said I did. And thank you for finally getting the point to which BTW, the topic is the Southern border not ports of entry…

Since you don’t know the number of terrorists that cross, don’t you think it might be a good idea to secure the border?

At least rocket science uses math…

Exactly what is the probability that a suspected terrorist would be among people trying to immigrate (legal or illegally) here from our southern border? I suspect it’s less than 1%. For criminals it’s probably a lot higher but less than 5% is my educated guess.

Oh gosh Wiley…You’re RIGHT!!!

They are just trying to provide for themselves by taking away what you worked for.

How could you possibly be so heartless as to deny them a free ride?

For SHAME, Wiley, for SHAME!!! :wink::rofl:

I mean just because you see the guy “stealing” your stuff doesn’t automatically make him a thief. Why do you trust your lying eyes more than feelings… Nothing more than feelings

Terrorist 1:
Hmm, let me take a plane to the US where I have to show a passport and go through customs.

Terrorist 2:
Hmm, let me cross the Southern border where I don’t have to show a passport and stand a much better chance of not being detected.

But you are starting from a false premise. Our borders are secure. Illegal immigration Has been declining for the last 20 years.

We already have fencing along the border where it is feasible. What is s wall going to do about tunneling, that fencing can’t do?

You contradict your own premise:

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That is so true, Wiley.

It is very possible that TV I bought from Best Buy was stolen goods with a GPS tracker in it and the guy was just recovering his own stuff. :thinking:

Liberal talking points. Notice he isn’t actually backing these up with anything other than I suspect, I guess, I think…

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