Shocked Europeans Post Astronomical Energy Bills As 'Terrifying Winter' Approaches

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It’s possible you are right, still we need to keep pushing for other ways

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I don’t trust anything the EU says.

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I think that is par for the course on all governments. There are probably a few in world still about doing the people’s business but that is left to a hand full at this point.

It has been a long hum drum these last few years with EU politics but warning signs were expressed

I have to wonder with the gas shortages if people are going to struggle with keeping clean? How will they heat their water?

Old houses and apartments in Europe didn’t have a “bathroom” for showering or bathing. They wetted a tiny cloth to clean a few spots

Europeans have become total slaves to the “agenda”

When was that? In the “Middle Ages”? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Energy cost are high but 25% of my bills are green energy tax which is a joke and cost of food just keeps going up meat cost are up the most by far

Not that long ago my mates house growing up still had a outside toilet by that point it was not in use but it was not that long ago the first house I brought the bathroom was a extension off the kitchen originally the toilet was outside

Years ago I lived in an old apartment in Kiel, northern Germany. Kiel managed to escape the total destruction during WWII so the building dated back to years long before WWII.

The building had no central heating and there was one coal-burning stove each in two rooms. Coal was delivered and stored in a compartment under your name in the basement. (I forgot the price).

No hot water and thus no shower. There was a toilet shared with other tenants. I knew a student who went to the city-run swimming pool to take hot showers, with or without actually swimming there.

Yikes! That doesn’t sound like fun and kind of reminds me of my soldiering days of living in spartan huts in Bosra

Green energy tax? What exactly is that? That sounds like some bureaucrat making shit up to reach inside your pocket to take your money.

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Kind of reminds me of squatter toilets in France and China. Well in the case of France it was more or less a hole in the ground. Either case, these old houses don’t appeal to me when it comes to things like needing heat from gas, but I suppose I would rely on wood if need be but bathing and taking a shower is the inconvenient part.