SAVAGE Golden Globes – Ricky Gervais Opening Monologue Goes Nuclear On Hollywood

Yeah. I don’t think anybody’s walked on eggshells.

Pure BS. Maybe a handful of far left loons were worried about it but nobody else was.

Nothing is sacred anymore, which is actually a good thing.
Paradigm shift, maybe.

What do you know of a paradigm shift? You basically called every philosopher of the post modern era a ■■■ which is inherently false on face value. Only goes to show your shallow understanding of the concept what a paradigm shift truly is. Your statement "Nothing is sacred anymore is just you regurgitating what Orwell said in his book “1984” and its become to the point that its a cliche that offers no original thought but only serves to satisfy your sentiment only.

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You expected something different? “Shirley you jest.”

No not really but its easier to point out the people who operate with loose terms using moral relativism to put forth such statements because it never has to be rooted with a consistent basis of truth and facts, thus its not original thought, only an opinion. The perils of Post Modernism is destroying western values and its easy to see why.

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He put’s up with the presidential grill continuously.

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Hilarious coming from the anonymous internet troll poster.

You try denying the holohoax or using the N word or calling a Tran a man or… in polite siciety and see how far you get.

Really poor deflection.

They don’t have to walk on eggs to say what they actually believe or not say things that offend them.

Maybe its that way in your country! Perhaps you need to get out more!

Hollywood is breaking apart which is very good for us peasants.

Peasants can ignore attention whores who have no substance at all. Just a big mouth.

Thanks for sharing you level of ignorance here yet once again to not engage in civil conversation but resort to name calling! When you don’t have an intelligent or original thought to offer ultimately it is you that has the big mouth and is an attention whore!

Jordan Maxwell on Hollywood
The magic wand made of holly

Hollywood is a tool of the masters.

We peasants welcome its demise.

Yeah so much so reposting shit that you posted before? I guess you are running out of material huh?

You smoking opium or something?
I never posted this before, though I listened to Maxwell for a long time.

Why don’t you post something with substance for a change.

Dude, I suggest its you that is smoking opium! You posted this video before on another thread. Only takes a retard like you to either deny it or nor remember doing so!

Did you forget to put on your helmet today before riding the yellow bus to school?

Oh yeah? What thread?
You’re wasting an interesting thread on Hollywood.
Post something with substance instead of meaningless nitpicking.

How about you stop re-posting your mindless crap here and actually practice what you preach? Trying to complain on a false pretense makes you even phonier than before!

I already have, you are just too stupid to understand your previous comment was based on your lack of understanding of a fundamental concept! Funny how you avoided it altogether and resorted to name calling!