Ruth Bader Ginsburg - Dead at 87

The reason for the timing of the statement of her death has now been revealed:

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She’s probably been dead for months. The Dems needed something to mobilize their base over the weakest ticket possible.

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Only in your dreams; the hardcore progs and commie bums like all your friends are not a large enough portion of the electorate to make a difference.

The Dems have no good options here:

  1. Demanding Trump assent to their whims makes them look (accurately) petulant .
  2. Rioting and other asinine behavior like the mobs of Handmaid’s Tale costume harpies banging on the SCOTUS door only made the left look like idiots. Last night they already flashed “Rest in Power” on the SCOTUS building - the phrase ANTIFA manbabies use when one of their own dies trying to kill others.
  3. Calling once every ten minute pressers for Schumer and Pelosi to rail against Republicans will only sound as shrill as clowns like heels up Harris trying to verbally beat up whoever is the nominee.
  4. Anyone with two brain cells to bounce signals off will know that if Dems were in the same position, they would absolutely confirm a liberal nominee. Trump holding off would be seen and broadcast by the Dems and their bootlicks in the media as a sign of weakness. There is zero benefit to Trump or the GOP in holding off.
  5. Speaking of neurons, methinks the average prog’s entire nervous system consists of two motor neurons connected by a spirochete.
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The thing that worries me about a Trump nominee is they had 3 fucking years to find a Scalia type replacement and they’re talking about Amy Barret and some squish named Ho.

Is this seriously the best they could come up with? Typical GOP.

Here’s what Trump needs to do. Only send one name forward - Mike Lee. He is a hard core conservative.
And it will force Romney’s hand so he doesn’t play politics with confirmation. No way Mormons will tolerate Romney blocking a fellow Mormon out of the SCOTUS.

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Last I heard from him was that he doesn’t want it.

Just in case anyone was wondering. The dead unborn fetuses are happy to see RBG, assuming that they are in the same place…which they aren’t.


These are the ones in consideration to replace RBG. I suspect Trump is wanting to choose a woman, and of course its for obvious reasons.

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Rageaholic | R.I.P. Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Now Fill The Seat.


That’s how little you think of conservative women?

10 DAYS AGO (see video)

10 DAYS AGO (see video)

Lee supported the Democratic war powers resolution . Utah Senator Mike Lee was one of 5 GOP Senators to vote against a spending bill which would have prevented a government shutdown. Lee objected to Trump’s use of executive authority to divert funding for the construction of a border wall .
Twelve Republican senators joined Democrats on Thursday to block President Trump’s declaration of an emergency on the United States border with Mexico. The Republicans included Mike Lee and Mitt Romney, both of Utah, as well as Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska.
" Senator Mike Lee Senator Mike Lee has turned against the President and will vote with the Democrats to stop the National Emergency Declaration. “We tried to cut a deal, the president didn’t appear interested,” Lee told The Hill on Wednesday. “I’ll be voting ‘ yes ,'” he added. "

War Powers Resolution of 1973 ? He’s been around that long?

Look, only Congress can declare war, and they can cut off funding at any time. At least with the War Powers Resolution a president can fight for a few weeks before bringing it to Congress.

Fortunately these days, with military technology being what it is, we could conquer an entire country in a few weeks if we wanted to.

So the news is that Amy Coney Barrett is the frontrunner to replace Ginsburg. It will be tough on the Left to try and pin false rape charges on her. LOL

Don’t worry though, they’ll attack her Catholic faith with full force. . . . .

Which in turn will present a problem for Pedophile Joe, who claims to be a Catholic. if Trump rams this through before the election - does Biden condemn the attack on her Catholic faith as a Catholic himself?
. . . and do they risk alienating the Hispanic / Latino vote?

One thing the Dems can do is assign some leftist female bulldog to attack Barrett. It’s better optics to have another woman attack Barrett than a man who would be accused of “misogyny”.

My musings



Trump’s SCROTUS nominee litmus test should be “will this person rule against open borders and endless immigration”?

If the answer is “no” or “not sure”, then HARD NEXT, and keep looking. Nothing else matters now.

A Big bold move would be to nominate Ted Cruz!

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Can he vote for himself?