Russia claims to have deployed Avangard hypersonic missiles that 'cannot be intercepted'

Really? The why hasn’t he invaded?

We check his every move in Europe.

Well that’a just a flat out lie. They are listening as are we and our defense procurement and development programs are targeted specifically to deal with the rising threat levels.

Why should he?
He had no intention to do so.
It’s the shabbos goys like you who constantly provoke Russia, but Russian ain’t playing the game.

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I don’t think it’s possible. At that speed even if the vehicle could withstand it even millisecond speed adjustments would not show in the track except over long distances.

Oh bullshit. If he could take western europe he’d do it in a minute.

He’s been expanding his “empire” as long as he’s been in power anywhere he could get away with it.

Sometime educate yourself on his plan for a new Russian Empire.

Start there.

What country encircles Russia with hundreds of military bases, nuke submarines and fleets where they don’t belong?

Russia’s annexation (or whatever it’s called) of Crimea is not only perfectly legal and ethical as opposed to forced separation of Kosovo by the West (the result of which the Kosovars are regretting now). The vast majority of Crimeans wanted to rejoin Russia where they belong.

And what country with its decadent anti-Christian, anti-family culture and appalling crime rate at home pretends to be the policeman of the world?

Sharp maneuvers imply a rapid change in velocity, not just speed. The direction of travel must change rapidly. The speed may remain the same or not. I think rapid changes in direction are not possible at that speed, especially in thin air.

Exactly, which is why I never blamed Putin for moving on Crimea. In fact, at the very same time, the Obama administration threatened both Russia’s warm water ports, indispensable to their national security.

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I’ll bet this ruffled a few feathers back in the day; the Pentagon probably thought ‘Fuck it, we’re gonna have to find another fake enemy now!’ lol

“The End of the Cold War and 2017 American Politics”

‘In 1988, a full year before the Berlin Wall came down and the Soviet empire broke up, Georgy Arbatov, a Soviet expert on the United States, offered this prophetic prediction about how the end of the Cold War would change the United States: “We are going to do a terrible thing to you. We are going to deprive you of an enemy.” He was right. Without the concrete threat of the Soviet Union, U.S. national policy would indeed lose both its organizing principle and its national consensus.’

Those were the days when we had real statesmen and not incompetent jobsworths?

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Eustace Mullins wrote his “The World Order” in the 1980s where he said the true rulers of the Soviet Union were the Rockefellers.

This is also an excellent book by Anthony Sutton to know the truth about the “Reds”

Well according to your logic we’d be goners either way! Isn’t that the objective? To never have to use them in the first place? Peace through strength? When I see countries wanting to Nuke up, it’s a matter of wanting to establish themselves as a world power and to be able to use that as leverage at the bargaining table. Remember Pakistan and India? Funny how no one mentions them in this narrative, and if there ever was a fallout it most likely would be between these two countries where Kashmir is the red button.

I also vaguely remember Arbatov saying of the Afghan resistance “if you liked the Ayatollah Khomeini, you’ll love these guys”

By the way, intercepting a hypersonic missile might be a real tough nut, but a high energy laser could do it handily. Like cruise missiles and smart bombs, they may be sexy to a military person but they often cost alot more than whatever they blow up.

…if you can keep it aimed at a missile traveling over 20,000 mph (55 miles per second) and supposedly capable of “sharp maneuvers”.

From what I know of their targeting control systems, they’re much much faster than any “sharp maneuver.” The beam itself would be instantaneous by comparison to the hypersonic speed, and they can develop pretty awesome power focused very tightly.

However, you still need to be somewhat in range, just to see it and hit the “go” button, and you need a shitload of them to protect much of any goegraphical size.

As Darth Vader said, “Don’t be too proud of this technological terror you’ve constructed”

Is there anything that lasers can’t do? :thinking:

Nothing is perfect, of course. Electronic lasers need alot of electrical energy, chemical lasers need chemicals and time to start up. And they’re not small.

Just 100 kW of focused laser light can do some awesome damage. If the mirrors aren’t cooled, it will do it to the mirrors.

From what I was told in the USSR days, Russia was ahead of us back then in this technology. Probably they still are doing pretty good.

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Wow, respect - good info! I didn’t know there was so much to them - I thought they just figured in cataract operations, and blinded pilots from the ground with that green beam. (joking, I know there’s a bit more to them than that)

With them constantly threatening Western Europe and the US containment was the responsible counter.

To do less would have green lighted Soviet/Russian expansionism resulting in anther WW.

Anytime you want to compare crime rates between the US and EU nations with that of Russia, let’s go for it.

Doubtful. Russian engineering tech is generally terrible.

They have some talented scientists and engineers but they have no freedom to work compared to those in the west much less the budget to work with.

We had working prototypes of ground based laser interceptors back in the eighties and the Airborne Laser Interceptor proof of concept as well.

Would you care to present some evidence of that, because the impression I get is that it’s the other way around, and it’s NATO that’s doing all the threatening.

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in America?
Only South Africa and Brazil beat the US in crime rates.