Russia claims to have deployed Avangard hypersonic missiles that 'cannot be intercepted'

It was Bush 41 and his foreign minister (Secretary of State) who said “no NATO expansion” (toward Russia).

One of Putin’s first acts during his first tenure was to start moving back into and pressuring the former soviet republics to “join” his new Russian federation.

Roll it back to the fifties and sixties where the Soviet Russians seized half a dozen countries and forced them into the SU and Warsaw pact.

All through the cold war they had troops stationed up and down the borders outnumbering NATO forces 10-15:1.

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That’s another outright lie.

The US ranks 49th for violent crime.

As for murder, Russia’s murder rate is almost double that of the US.

No. The figures are very misleading because of the great discrepancy between the ghettos and, say, predominantly white neighborhoods in the US.
Russia even today is a diverse country with various autonomous regions with different cultures and languages.

There is no discrepancy.

The only difference is that the violence is much more widespread across all of Russia where ours is centered primarily in a handful of cities in constant decay after decades of completely control by democrats.

One again you were just blowing smoke out of your ass and refuse to own up to your mistake.

This is however your norm rather than anything exceptional or surprising.

FFS that was then, this is now?? You really can’t let go of the ‘USSR’ mindset can you!

Maybe the Russians record all attempted murders. Rasputin was poisoned first with tea cakes. When that didn’t work, he was poisoned with wine. When that didn’t work, he was shot twice in the chest. When that didn’t work, he was shot point blank in the forehead, his body wrapped in a cloth and thrown into a river.

(^^^Not a serious argument! :innocent: ^^^)

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Well ya live and learn? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Right. The statistic probably include the murders of Nikolai II, his wife, daughters and son by the Bolsheviks.
He was the grandson of Queen Victoria, if I’m not mistaken.
Russia certainly has not forgotten them.

I don’t think that there’s any pretentiousness about it.

Putin has never given up his dreams of a new Russian Empire.

The current conflict in Ukraine is a direct example of his continued expansionism.

Listen to the man’s own words and observe his actions.

He was one tough bastard. Don’t forget the molten lead enema either.

!! Ouch! The makes bamboo under the fingernails sound like fun

What, you mean another USSR? :smile:

As though the US doesn’t want to be an empire with its controlling military bases maintained ALL OVER THE WORLD.

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Exactement! They just don’t get the irony of it, do they?


“The current conflict in Ukraine is a direct example of his continued expansionism.”

It’s actually the NATO expansionism.

(This link again to refresh your memory)

If Putin really wanted to expand westward, he could easily have annexed the Donbass region of Ukraine with the support of 90% of the residents there.

There are millions of Ukrainians who took refuge in Russia, escaping the Kiev junta.

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And the bureaucrats of Brussels (egged on by NATO I shouldn’t wonder) tried to stir it up against Russia by enticing Ukraine into becoming a member of the European Union.

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