Rockets hit US embassy in Baghdad amid protests

Yes, that is true, however that is a moot point.For what it’s worth, Iraq is worse now after Saddam.

You just said we are only there to protect foreign interests. Want to move the goal post now?

No I didn’t, learn to read what’s actually written.

Which of these words are you having such difficulty grasping. Be specific and maybe I can help you.

Strategically we’re protected with our own supply but not economically. If oil were to jump back to 140.00/bbl or more it would collapse the economies of all the industrialized powers within weeks or months. Till that equation changes we have to do what we can to keep it flowing.

Why don’t you learn about the economics of protecting Iraqs oil and the Strait of Hormuz ignoramus.
Haven’t you heard of the SOFA!!!
As far as Israel is concerned, they always have had their hands dirty fighting the Palestinians and launching airstrikes at missile batteries set up by Iran near their border.

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Yes. I know the current version of global capitalism and “free markets” is a sham. Glad you acknowledge that and the fact that our military is haphazardly used as a mercenary force to prop up a collapsing system.

Was that before or after they created a state out of thin air through acts of terrorism against the British?

You’re still just making up bullshit. We’re there protecting our own interests, mainly economic interests.

We’re most certainly not acting as a mercenary force because our troops are under US command and paid by the US, not serving in any foreign service or being paid by same.

Arguably though our allies should certainly be footing part of the bill because we’re protecting their interests too, particularly Europe since they are so heavily dependent on petroleum from the region.

They created a state by defeating the combined forces of 5 Arab Countries.

There were only a few minor incidents involving the ■■■■■■ Militias and the Brits who were already in the process of abandoning Palestine.

Some piss poor job of rewriting history.

You’re deraling.Israel acts to protect their country from foreign threats and the hell with public opinion.

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Hate blinds one to truth completely. That’s their whole problem.

Ahh - so on this timeline Israel didn’t exist prior to the Six Day War? Interesting.

Do you get your history straight from old Irgun propaganda? At least the ■■■■ are more honest and open about their history. Might want to re-work your approach with your fellow JIDF shills on this one.

Yet these were committed terrorists, inspired by the idealistic assassins of Tsarist Russia, and they managed to pull off one of the most spectacular outrages of the whole period: the murder of Lord Moyne, the highest British official in the Middle East, in 1944. (That operation was plotted by the future Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir.) By that time, the Irgun, too, had resumed its armed struggle against Britain, believing that once the defeat of the Nazis looked certain, it was time to begin pressuring the British on the future of Palestine. The Irgun was revitalized by the arrival in Palestine, in 1943, of Menachem Begin, a veteran activist and survivor of Soviet prisons (and another future prime minister), who commenced an audacious new campaign of attacks. The bloodiest of these was the bombing of the King David Hotel, in July 1946, which killed 91 people.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

Well I certainly don’t get it from racist idiots like you.

They were by definition guerrillas or militias attacking only military targets. The Brits labeled them terrorists as they do every where.

I don’t know what “timeline” you’re talking about I realize you’re just ranting mindlessly but if you can narrow it down and be specific I’ll be happy to bury you on that as well.

The Brits were an occupying military force that was in the process of leaving because in the wake of WWII the empire was collapsing and the gov’t could no longer afford to maintain a global military presence because of the waning return on investment.

I that process they literally drew lines in the sand creating countries that had never existed prior with only the interests of BP in mind and no consideration to the historical, ethnic, or religious interests of the region.

You are so full of shit and source nothing. Opinion discarded, shill.

Your own cited article says the same thing dumbass.

The British Empire was on the decline everywhere, as the crushing economic toll of World War II forced Britain to curtail its overseas commitments. The Holocaust had created sympathy for the Zionist cause, above all in the United States, which kept up a continual pressure on Britain to admit ■■■■■■ refugees to Palestine. Most important of all, perhaps, the ■■■■ of the Yishuv—the prestate settlement in Palestine—had created the infrastructure for a state, complete with an illegal but tacitly tolerated army, the Haganah.

Keep the thread on track. Thanks.

This strike was probably planned by Soleimanis successor.

We appear to be in the overreach phase. Coup in Venezua failed. Bolivia succeeded but still not stable. You know we will be bombing Iran soon regardless of anything anyone does to try to stop it. Fed furiously injecting capital into pension insurance scams. Now the coronavirus. Seems like just a matter of time before it all goes up in a big poof of worthless securities, debt and failed currencies.


Most likely, these were unguided katyusha rockets of the same type normally fired by the Shia militias/Iranian Proxies all over the region from what I can find.

Obviously they thought they could take advantage of the current political situation here in the US due to the impeachment trial.

The more divided we are the weaker we are and that will always make us more likely to be attacked.

If Iran keeps up the provocations however they’ll soon learn how quickly we can pull together as a nation when we are under any sort of a serious attack.

Yeah - we are doing a great job pulling together around the literal invasion of our southern border.