Retribution Has Begun: Iran attacks US bases in Iraq

How about looking at China dumbass! This all about Oil and the strategic pipeline currently being built to supply Europe. Iran and Iraq are key to that happening for both China and Russia’s economic interests. Israel has nothing to do with it. Maybe you should try doing some reading first instead of being blinded by your thirst to feed your confirmation bias.


The economies of the entire developed world are dependent on the continued, uninterrupted flow of oil out of the Persian Gulf.

Uh Yes! Obviously you are out of your league on this subject matter and have no clue on the strategic importance of the region and what is at stake!

Do you recall how all through the Bush era of the Iraq war right wingers viciously denied that US military presence in the ME was about oil…

My how things can change…:thinking:

As I said, the hate disconnects the logic circuits.

Nothing else matters to them as long as Israel exists.

We didn’t take their oil.

That’s some trendy bullshit that’s always resorted to when you have no idea what’s actually going on in the area. The Middle East is shit because of the people who live there, including the ■■■■■

Unbelievable how ignorant some are. I can see why some would argue about Israeli Interests and the aid we send them, those are valid concerns, but on this issue its unbelievable how many here are totally misinformed.

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It’s pretty simple.

If Israel ceased to exist tomorrow it wouldn’t affect 1% of our economy.

Cut off the flow of crude, and in thirty days the economies of every industrialized nation crash.

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Common enemy for very different reasons.

So what is so strategically important that thousands of Americans have had to die over the past 20 years in the region? Name it.

You are an economic retard with no concept of what it takes to keep the industrialize world operating.

You might have seen that on Monday President Obama will likely nominate former Sen. Chuck Hagel, a Nebraska Republican, to be Secretary of Defense.

But what you probably haven’t seen – because everyone has forgotten – is that back in 2007, Chuck Hagel went totally crazy and told the truth about our invasion of Iraq. Here’s what he said:

People say we’re not fighting for oil. Of course we are. They talk about America’s national interest. What the hell do you think they’re talking about? We’re not there for figs.

The straits of Hormuz. 30% of the worlds petroleum passes through them every day.

Really? We have more of the resource you are claiming as central to this conflict, ■■■■■■■

Instead of having to retype my response to you I will just provide you a link!

This is not about resource for the US, its about securing who controls the EU economy through OIL. Also where do you get to the point where US soldiers will be sacrificed? I will wait for your response. BTW stop with the name calling, we can all be adults here by having a civil conversation!

Totally irrelevant.

The price of crude oil and everything made from it is determined by the total world available supply from day to day.

There is no excess petroleum.

The US may not need oil from the ME anymore but the price of everything related to oil is dependent on it.

Close the Straits and oil doubles within days. Close them for a month and it increases by a factor of 3-5x.

That would throw us into the deepest depression the world has ever seen.

Yes - I am well aware that Americans are being sent to their deaths for resources and a mission that is not central to American interests.

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And our own economic reliance on affordable petroleum.