Retribution Has Begun: Iran attacks US bases in Iraq

So you are supporting Trumps war with Iran because it benefits Israel. Or is there a different meaning to your wish?

Shit confirmed to be hitting the fan.

Pentagon Confirms Iran Launching Dozens of Missiles at U.S. Targets in Iraq

Iran began to launch over a dozen ballistic missiles targeting U.S. airbases in Iraq on Tuesday, U.S. officials confirmed.

Iran is taking credit for a rocket attack targeting the al-Assad airbase in Iraq, which houses U.S. troops.

image this might be a lot of Casualties! This is war

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Let me be more clear. I want to see Israel glassed.

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Wonder if there are some from Diego Garcia going too?

Nothing brings the Neo Nazi ■■■ haters out of their closets like war in the ME.

Strikes me as odd that Iran would do this. I wonder who’s standing behind Iran…:thinking:

Good for you. I want to see Iran glassed.

I havent’ heard anything about it but I was busy today. I only noticed the flights out of Dyess because they tend to fly right over anytime they are heading east.

Work on your reading comprehension skills Monte Crusty!

Wonderful. Peak clown world is on the verge of being achieved. I hope the price of fuel quadruples and sends the world into a panic, crashing stock markets everywhere. Next step, the fast collapse of the United States. We don’t need fossil fuels as much as we think we do, and remember that Russia survived the siege of Leningrad so we can survive whatever happens next. I hope you all prepared.

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Hmmmm, thank you for the clarification. You know it’s terrible to wish that on any country. The average Israeli is no more responsible for the Israeli government than the Iranian people are responsible for the Iranian government.

Oh I am prepared alright! I am keeping an eye on the Chinese right now, because this effects their bottom line as far as fuel imports are concerned.


Right - because we have been stuck in the Middle East for no fucking reason for decades other than to protect Israel. Enough of your bullshit. As long as your kids aren’t getting fed into the meat grinder to die in a pointless war so a bunch of Israeli’s can build some more settlements on some patches of dirt, it’s all good - right?


Knock it off Bryan.

It is the libs not the boomers that are your enemies.


Here comes the return…

Well that’s so far out to lunch as to be completely nuts.

The entire industrialized world comes to a grinding halt without the free flow of oil.

Nearly everything you use today from the phone or computer you are posting with to pharmaceuticals and medical devices, cars, food packaging, and 10,000 other products other than fuels are made from petroleum.

The very asphalt you drive on is made from crude oil.

I’m shaking in my boots jr.

Well that’s a complete lie.

You people need to get out in the light more often and away from the ■■■■■■ Conspiracy bullshit.