Retribution Has Begun: Iran attacks US bases in Iraq

Yeah, this is the song that never ends…:roll_eyes:

No casualties. They struck the US military base to send a clear message. Trump backed down, most thankfully and it’s over. At least presently.

So if Trump keeps his promise you credit China and Russia.

If he doesn’t you call him a liar.

Hard to believe you actually claim to be American.


Well thankfully Trump backed down and that never materialized.

At least it’s encouraging seeing more and more people acknowledging this…

At some point you have to accept the fact that the economies of every industrialized nation are completely dependent on keeping the flow of oil from the gulf uninterrupted.

Once you understand the energy equation you can begin to understand why the ME is central to US foreign and national security policy.

Even though we are no longer dependent on the ME as a source of supply for the US, the price of oil globally is and the fact there is no excess supply globally means that 30% of the oil necessary to keep the industrialized world operating flows through the Straits of Hormuz every day.

Until that simple equation changes we can’t change the strategic equation.

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Maybe it’s escaped you, but we actually have board members, claiming American citizenship, who believe that US blood and treasure is well spent maintaining the flow of oil to the developed world. Let that sink in. Then start protesting LOUDLY that Trump keep his campaign promise to get us the hell out of the ME NOW!!!

Yes we do because we undestand economics.

Cut the flow of crude through the Straits for a month and every industrialized economy on earth goes into a major recession.

cut it off for six months and we have a new global depression like hasn’t’ been seen since the 1930’s.

When economies fail what follows? Widespread devastating lack of food and basic services, uprisings, and revolution.

Well…good news. Congress got involved today. Maybe the silver lining to the most fucked up presidential administration in American history will be that congress takes back their war powers responsibilities and stop presidents from going to war to distract from their own political woes. :+1:

The constitution does not allow congress to limit the powers of the Commander in Chief.

Good luck with that.

Apparently Kim has nothing to fear seeing Trump backed down following Russia and China’s declarations of support for Iran. If we can just bide our time for another year and ditch this moron, maybe we’ll get clear.

You’re really going to be funny to watch when Trump is reelected.

Yeah, exactly. You saw the bipartisan legislation passed today to curb that moron. And polling shows that overwhelmingly Americans DO NOT WANT war with iran.

Trump’s war-mongering with Iran won’t be a political winner

More propaganda, Trump isn’t and never has been a warmonger.

Democrats are so desperate you’re really scraping the bottom of the sewer now.

Just warmongers is all you have.

We did, but you seem to want to avoid the discussion since we have.

Nope. Thanks to Russia and China, Trump was backed down and that was avoided.

How did Trump back down??? There weren’t any U.S. casualties from there face saving missile strike which was only to please Iranian people.
Nincompoop Nancy feels insulted by not being notified of the drone strike and now wants to take away a President’s Constitutional power to act and then notify them within 24 to 48 hrs.Next she will want to conduct U.S. foreign policy. Then why have a President at all.

Facts are irrelevant in the face of partisan rants.

Venn diagram says it all