Retribution Has Begun: Iran attacks US bases in Iraq

Personally, I believe the intelligence that said he was planning future attacks.

Quite frankly, the man earned his death via the blood of Americans on his hands.

Iran’s last word was a whimper.

^^ This.

None of us know the content of the intelligence reports Trump receives.

We can armchair quarterback all day long.

The bottom line is Iran understands strength and Trump stepped right up to the plate and showed them he is no Obama nor an appeaser.

The outcome was unknown, but he was still willing to step up to the plate, regardless. Resulting in Iran backing down like a dog with its tail between its legs.

Had Iran escalated, Trump was willing to make them a dog peeing and shaking in the corner.

We cannot win a “kinder and gentler war” with radical islamists, nor can we appease them. What does that leave us with?

Guess you missed the attack on our Embassy. Then again, maybe you didn’t and just think, “meh, nothing a little paint won’t fix”. :laughing:

That’s fine. Now, shore up homeland security including building the wall (et all) so we don’t have terrorists infiltrating the country and setting up cells.

Simultaneously, root out the cells that are here.

I’d much rather that scenario than troops in harm’s way in the Middle East.

But the almighty vote is too important for the lefties to care about the bigger picture, isn’t it? A few terrorists here and there, meh.

What an incredible cluster fuck leftist are to the sovereignty and security of this nation.

Quite a conundrum for the lefties isn’t it?

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Yup. That about sums it up. Quite nicely. :wink:

It won’t be over until Trump keeps his damn campaign promise and gets us OUT of the ME.

Iran had the last word. A precision strike on our military base proving they can do it. According to satellite imagery dead center hits on half a dozen buildings, without killing anybody. A measured response as they claimed it would be all along.

Why yes. Let’s be thankful for the input of China and Russia.

Good Gawds. :woozy_face:

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More completely unsupported Iranian propaganda.

Iran has never demonstrated the precision necessary to hit anything smaller than a grid square with the CM’s or guided ballistic missiles.

Peddling more pro Iranian BS that is completely unsupportable.

Our ally’s have followed us into one too many mistakes already. The ME is a mess for it, we’ve created a record global refugee crisis and our ally’s are bearing much of the brunt of that. They have no good reason to participate in anymore of our idiocy.

Btw, I’m not saying anything that Trump hasn’t said about it himself. This is what makes him so full of shit. Getting us out of the ME was a key campaign promise.


The mess was created by the British when their empire was collapsing at the end of WWII and they drew lines in the sand and appointed their own puppet dictators to rule of populations that had been at war with each other for all of recorded history.

Allies, not Ally’s. … If you’re going to pretend to be some sort of intellectual at least learn basic spelling and grammar.

And half a dozen of our buildings destroyed.

Lol, that was good…

No US facilitates were destroyed.

It wasn’t even US bases that were hit.

Oh for craps sake. Feel free to bring out your fortune telling ball and advise the world :roll_eyes:

Yeah. You keep repeating that over and over. :roll_eyes:

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Monte would have you believe she’s really just a disappointed Trump voter I guess. :grinning:

Monte is retarded and suffers from multiple mental disabilities so you have to have compassion, take pity for such wretched creatures.

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Well, quite possibly. But we are indeed still there despite Trumps promise to get us out. Looks increasingly however like it will be Russia and China pushing us out. Beginning with Syria.