A competent right wing opposition? Ha ha! Yeah right! That much we can agree on. It’s pathetic IMHO.
I’m the wrong color. If I stand up then it’s a hate crime and I’m a racist Nazi, are you not understanding the climate of things here from a distance? If I had a degree of protection, from the Republicans I elected, I would. I did in 2015 and 2016 - now myself and my entire family would lose their jobs or worse.
Trump is the first president to completely disown his voting base.
Just like Obama wouldn’t say ‘radical islamic terrorists’, Trump won’t say, ‘white people’
Yeah of course I sympathise with your position Bryan. I mean that in the most sincere discourse. My point is if you and others are not willing to fight for what you believe in or holding your elected officials accountable then you (meaning “we”) will lose this fight. Playing it safe and expecting others to do it for you has proven to be a losing strategy for conservatives. Just like you asked previously, what are conservatives conserving? That seems like a good starting point and a fair and honest question to ask.
Why stand up for the people and institutions that hate you? They will throw you in prison for defending them.
What country do you live in again? You are the epitome of an armchair quarterback.
Here you go again with your retarded insults again! What is it that you think you know about me?
Here is something for you to chew on Mr Millennial midget!
I have been pretty consistent in defending whites on this forum from day one! I actually have the power to advocate your position, yet people like you steep in all your ignorance, just throw more stupid narratives that does very little to advancing your causes.
Now come back with more of your dumb insults instead of choosing to have a rational discussion!
I’m a mystery meat mutt and you have been tepid at best calling out the white hating bullshit. Also, calling you out for not living here and trying to amp somebody up to go take to the streets and fight this bullshit is straight up hypocrisy - calling a spade a spade isn’t an insult. You aren’t standing up and fighting for shit either. You don’t even live in this country bro.
You just proved my point! You not only not have your facts straight about my positions but don’t know shit about me and what I do. You just throw out a bunch of assumptions in hopes it makes you look good and feel better. Like I said before, spare me with your childish name calling and put forth a intelligent argument for a Change which you never seem to do. Start there!
Ok - let’s get back to talking about America crumbling.
Yes let’s do that! Personal bullshit attacks doesn’t further the conversation.
Here is what I know to be true!
“Diversity” and “Inclusiveness” = Code (dare I say a “dawg” whistle) for:
State nodded at, winked at, encouraged, prodded, incented, promoted, subsidized, coerced, mandated, forced discrimination AGAINST (1) whites in general; (2) white males, more specifically; (3) young white males (under 40, no “age discrimination” claims), even more specifically; (4) white heterosexual males, even more specifically; (5) white heterosexual males who are Christian or ■■■■■■■ even more specifically; (6) white heterosexual Christian or ■■■■■■ males who do not qualify as “disabled” (an ever expanding definition), even more specifically …… ad nauseum
This is the only SYSTEMIC racism/sexism in the United States.
P.S. I might add that TPTB are starting to victimize Asians as well. (Ask Harvard.)“
What is the bait man? I am just trying to have a civil conversation! Can you do that? Geeze!
Read what you wrote and watch the video. Your own question will be answered.
I don’t need to man, my appeal is to critically think about positions not based on emotions and then discuss them. The Republican failure is for the reasons I listed. If people can’t be honest with themselves then that is on them not on me! Attacking me and other conservatives is only defeating your own cause when we are suppose to be on the same side. The Democratic strategy of “divide and conquer” is working when such conversations devolve into tribalistic altrusims.
Ok - dude with a spy avatar that lives in Hong Kong and tries to low key get people to fedpost.
Dude, seriously, I have no idea what your talking about in terms of getting people to “FED post“. A little paranoid are we? If you are that concerned then why post here at all?
What do you actually think my avatar means? Try again! Go read the Spygate thread and catch up!
What? Because I am in Hong Kong I am not suppose to be trusted? I pay US taxes, I vote, so that means I have no rights to express my views? Yeah that is a real winning argument! LMAO!