President Trump Announces Turkish Unilateral Invasion of Northern Syria

According to your alternative realities you seem to want to make up all the time!

You wasting space here by being obtuse! Were you there? What are your sources? I will answer your question when you answer mine first!

In the meantime, Trump is already withdrawing the troops. Good move.

This is coordination.
Turks move in, and Yanks move out.

Nice of you to pivot! Also I donā€™t need to enlighten you, there is plenty I already provided, just do some reading instead of posting your hypothesis of unsubstantiated hearsay!

which is?
(short of unsubstantiated hearsay)

If you canā€™t figure it out on your own then donā€™t ask me to do something that you are either too ignorant, too lazy, or purposely inept to figure out!

Again I asked you first to provide your sources to support your claims and so far you obfuscated by trying to pivot by answering a question with another question, can you be any more lame in your responses? If you got nothing, then just say so instead of playing your stupid little games! This is why I donā€™t bother debating you, you simply canā€™t be honest to give a direct response!

ā€œIn this interview Senator Rand Paul explains the pragmatic policy of withdrawing 50 U.S. troops from Northern Syria to avoid them becoming victims to a cross-border incursion by a NATO ally, Turkey, while the ridiculously pontificating European collective does nothing except criticize the U.S. for not defending their interests. Chuck Todd is flummoxed.ā€

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Mainstream media is nothing but hearsay.
Like I stated, we donā€™t know for sure the motive behind the Turkish invasion.
The major concern for Turkey is the independence movement of the Kurds inside Turkey. Kurds in Syria and Iraq can fuel that sort of sentiment among Kurds inside Turkey.
It is no secret that the Kurds in Iraq have achieved a quasi-independence inside Iraq and that part of Iraq is quite prosperous.


I hate to point out the obvious but weā€™ve taken prisoners in pretty much every war thatā€™s ever been fought except by historyā€™s most brutal tyrants.

Iā€™m deeply torn on this. We owe the Kurds a debt we can never repay for the thousands of US casualties they have spared us by acting as our infantry multiple times from gulf war one onward.

At the same time I place the lives of US servicemen above theirs.

Iā€™m fine with the pull back as I donā€™t believe we could have done anything to prevent the Turkish incursion but we cannot abandon them totally and leave the field giving the Turks a completely free hand either.

And I hate to point out the obvious (fact) that weā€™ve never ever had an enemy like this one. Indeed, after some of the breathtakingly inhumane atrocities which jihadists have perpetrated, Iā€™m surprised that Iā€™m even having to point it out to you, and I advise you to not underestimate their determination; as the name implies, Global Jihad means world domination of religion, culture, and law.

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Weā€™ve been battling Jihadis for forty years. Either we take prisoners or we are labeled as war criminals by every civilized nation on earth.

Look, just ignore my posts from now on would you please?

You replied to me. ā€¦

If you wish to have a private chat with someone use the PM feature.

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I had to reply because you so obviously donā€™t understand the gravity of this war which has been declared on us: but Iā€™ve failed spectacularly if you still believe we can defeat an invisible enemy - and Iā€™d better explain what I mean by ā€˜invisibleā€™ . . . it means they donā€™t wear any recognisable form of uniform, and can therefore infiltrate into any country, and disappear into all communities within those countries at will, thence to sate their blood lust. Now please . . . ??

Son I was fighting these bastards when you werenā€™t even an idea in your parents minds.

They arenā€™t invisible, they leave tracks every where they go, physical, electronic, and financial which is how we keep finding their cells and their HQā€™s and how we keep targeting them.

You donā€™t know squat bout fighting wars other than what you learn playing video games.

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Okay, have it your way!

Global jihad, ISISā€¦ Itā€™s all smokescreen!
Muslims donā€™t care about jihad anymore and it means nothing.

Itā€™s the Zionists, cupid!

Never forget the Greater Israel Plan (which justifies a greater Israel between the Nile and Euphrates) for which the lives the US service men and women mean zero, zilch, nada, as Rush Limbough would say.

Again clueless as to what is the actual facts are! Why donā€™t you just write a fiction novel? You have the same results as the nonsense you post here!