This pretty telling, and now I am learning that some Democrats are beginning to abandon ship! Repubs better demand a full list publicized of the names that voted!
Well dangnabbit…the failing Washington Post just refuses to shutter its doors.
… we may be “two Americas,” but they are not equal. Trump and Republicans’ segment is smaller than the rest and is shrinking over time. Republicans are playing a losing hand as the electorate as a whole becomes more diverse and identifies with progressives on policy and cultural issues. It turns out, math matters.
Lol one guy said that hahah
Yep. One very honorable man of unquestionable integrity backed up by his reputation. And corroborated by others.
And what will Bolton have to say
All qualities that are lacking in the current occupant who is a serial liar. As of today he’s closing in on 14,000 lies. That’s 13.25 a day since he took office. But be not afraid peanut…his lies are increasing in number ar a rapid pace right now.
Lol he’s more honorable than the rest of the people that were on the call? Lol ok
And a lol lol to you!
I’m not seeing this anywhere…sorry.
If you’re basing this solely on the current occupants tweet then I have a beautiful bridge that I’ll sell you at a discount.
Interesting… dude you just gotta move on give your self a chance in 2024
Right, you accept proven liar Joe Biden’s denial of knowing what is son was up to, fattening his bank account. But Trump is a liar because Jeff Bezos vanity newspaper says so.
14+ thousand lies now averaging a dozen a day. An American presidential record.
He’s a record setter. Record budget deficits, record administration staff turnover, record daily lies…
Record unemployment…
Sorry, this is so upside down I have no words to refute it.
You have yourself a real nice weekend now, ya hear?
you clearly have your head up your ass if you cannot tell the Democrats do not care about you or any other American. the only impeachments that should be handed out are all the Democrats who have not done their job since the time Trump has taken office. petitions have been started and sent all around United States for We the People take the power back from anti Americans like the Democrats
Nice way to start out. Learn civility and then we can discuss whatever you’d like.
Looking through the posts from both sides of the aisle, it is quite clear that we have a serious divide, and that peoples’ beliefs about Trump boil down to the party with whom party they identify.
No one that I have heard thinks Trump’s tweets have helped him or the nation, yet when the media blacks out the good you do, and amplifies the ill, and twists whatever they can, I can sort of see why he feels he has to tweet.
For those on the left who embrace the lazy trope that Trump’s supporters a. like him personally, or b. blindly support him - you are simply wrong. However convenient it may be to demean Trump’s supporters with childish names (tRumplicker, tRumptard-etc. etc. etc.), you are unable or unwilling to see that support for Trump is more ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’.
Trump’s supporters see the impeachment inquiry for what it is- a power grab. The reach to impeach has been going since Nov. 2016, and with the help of a hard partisan in the WH - the Dems have what they’ve been pining for - an excuse to impeach. Even if Trump made it a quid pro quo, everyone sentient knows that every President did the same stuff- the difference is that previous Presidents did not have #resist hyper partisans inside working to bring down the guy in the oval.
Trump supporters (and I) also fear the ‘reign of wokeness’ the Dems want to impose. Dems. have promised through proposals policies that would end Democracy, and impose single party rule wherein the woke folk of four cities would rule over a fiefdom consisting of the rest of the nation. In case you think I’m delusional, consider these gems that have already been proposed by legislators on the left:
- Elimination of the Electoral College (it was praised when BO won, but now…) ensuring CA, NY, and Ill rule according to their whims.
- Legalizing 10-30 million illegal aliens, with budget crushing costs - to create a voting plurality impossible to overcome.
- Packing the SCOTUS “heal the SCOTUS or we’ll do it” - until it becomes a rubber stamp for the left.
- New Federal hate speech laws that will morph into what is truly the end of free speech.
- Pander on a scale that sounds wonderful until you look at the cost.
a. Free college/elimination of college debt - no restrictions, any idiotic major will do. 3.6 Trillion
b. Medicare for all - lesser care for most, stratospheric taxes for all - 52 Trillion
c. Reparations - a payout to people who have only been held back by a subculture that first embraced rebellion, then victimhood, now ‘racedar’. Who can even imagine the cost?
The attitude of the new Democrats can be seen vividly in Kamala Harris: asked about the 170 million people who like their insurance -she replied cavalierly “they’ll just have to move on”
This is why people support Trump, not the blind fantasy of NYT writers, or political cartoonists. People know that not only are the Dems’ plans unworkable, but the party is steered by those who don’t care as long as the Dems. are in control. For this reason, the impeachment is only an exercise in smearing the President, that will fail miserably. There will be vocal shouters railing on CNN and in the NYT et. al. that the GOP embraces lawlessness blah blah blah, but outside of the left pole, regular people will see this as essentially another Kavanaugh hearing on a grander scale.
I apologize you’re absolutely correct it’s just so frustrating when the answers are right in front of you.
Your post is dead on.
You do not have to be a Trump supporter to be vehemently against the power grab or the overturning of an election.
That the leftists do not see this coming back to bite them in the ass one day, or worse, goes beyond the pale.
Impeachment is a constitutional provision. Unless your saying the republicans were engaging a power grab in 1998…