Phase 2 Impeachment inquiry

Excellent post Wazoo2u2! Couldn’t have laid it out better myself!

The truth has no agenda, which is why the Post Modernists try so desperately to undermine it with their moral relativism counter arguments! However they are powerless to stop the paradigm shift from its construct to a new era, where being “woke” and free from the apparatuses that seek to monopolise and control your time, thoughts, speech, through consumption, is becoming the norm! Things like Hollywood and traditional media sources will have the vegetative brush growth that dilapidated abandoned buildings have when no one pays attention to them anymore!

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In the absence of unending work toward finding a reason to impeach Trump from day one - I would agree with you. But let’s look at what has been going on the last few years-
The Dems and the news media have openly called for impeachment
The Dems and the news media have gotten right in the mud with Trump hurling insults and lies
The Dems and the news media went after one of the finest judges n the US - using an old hag, coached and represented by a hard left #resista law firm, and 'discovered by none other than Anna “Podunk, USA” Eschoo.
The Dems and the news media created a circus complete with paid screamers disrupting the hearings.

There are plenty more…

Please offer up one example of genuine kindness toward Trump by the Dems. Everyone knows they’ve been working harder at finding a crime than actually doing the people’s business. If not fr power, why would they bother?

That would be like asking me to provide examples of republicans showing genuine kindness to Obama throughout his administration. :man_shrugging:

But seriously…what has Trump done to warrant kindness for the Dems? He’s done nothing by lie and slime them since day 1.

“Little Adam Schitt?” Yah…that’s warm and fuzzy… How does Trumps constant demeaning of congress critters, judges, gold star families and anyone who calls out on his constant lying warrant kindness toward him?

This works both ways does it not?

Can your partisan hackneyed rhetoric reek any more? By answering a question with another question is a typical blowhard pivot that only losers do!

I don’t recall the GOP trying to minimize Obama’s killing OBL, or railing about how much he hated cops. Obama largely got a pass - especially from the media.

Grown the economy, increased jobs for minorities, embraced prison reform…

Thin skinned and petulant as Trump can be, he has never caught, and will likely never catch a break from Dems. or their bootlicks in the media.

Consider- when Obama sicced the DOJ on Officer Wilson (after they tried to railroad George Zimmerman) the CBC did their ridiculous ‘hands up don’t shoot’ choreography on the house floor.
Not only did the media take Obama/Mike “Ivy League” Brown’s side, but the DNC featured his mother and other mothers whose sole accomplishment was raising their boys so poorly that they died in fights with police -on center stage at the DNC convention!

The GOP did not rail at Obama, they did not try to find an impeachable abuse of power in trying to destroy a police officer - they were above that.
A S.C. Senator did yell out “you lie” during Obama’s SOTU speech, and he was rightly censured by the senate GOP.

If you were President, and everything you said or did was cavity searched for something to criticize - how might you respond? I’m not defending his juvenile shoot from the hip tweets; at the same time I kind of understand why he resorts to twitter - I just wish he’d hire an eloquent adult to edit them before they go out.

Joe was a member of the House. He was not censored by the GOP as the GOP did not control the House in 2009.

Seven Republicans joined 233 Democrats in approving the resolution; 12 Democrats joined Mr. Wilson and 166 other Republicans in opposing it.

I agree …it’s highly unlikely when he continually demonizes and lies about them.

There are bootlicks on both sides. Not that it’s a good thing for American voters. But the masses must be fed whatever reinforces their fears and biases in order to keep them safely corralled for future election.? Independent thinking must be stamped out, right?

As for your reference to Michael Brown. Poorly raised black men are killed far more often than poorly raised white men. Why is that?

According to Fatal Encounters, the database created by former Reno News & Review editor and journalism instructor Burghart (which tracks all deaths resulting from interactions with police), a total of 1,388 people were killed by police in 2015, 318 (23%) of them black, and 560 (40%) of them white. So roughly 23 percent of those killed by any police interaction in 2015 were black and just over 40 percent were white. According to those statistics (adjusted for racial demographics), black people had a 2.7 higher likelihood of being killed by police than whites.

The grim trend has carried over into 2016. Of the 1,034 people killed and tracked by Burghart’s Fatal Encounters database so far this year, 215 were black while 338 were white, so thus far in 2016 black Americans have been three times more likely than white people to die in interactions with police. That statistic holds for figures sent to us by Burghart compiled between Jan. 1, 2013 to Sept. 21, 2016, with suicides-by-cop removed.

Don’t know about the GOP, but conservative Obama haters on social media sure didn’t give Obama any credit. I didn’t either. I’m about as sure he killed OBL as I am that Trump killed Baghdadi.

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Perhaps for the same reason that poorly raised Black men commit violent felonies at a far higher rate than poorly raised White men.

And urban areas have way more violent crime per capita than suburbs/rural areas.

I suspect that White men, on average, are more likely to stop fighting when they know the odds of survival are against them. Perhaps because Country music is about losing love, getting drunk and being a cheerful loser, whereas rap is about self pity, ‘goin’ supaman on yo’ ho’ and murdering police officers.

There’s a big difference, and excusing it for PC expedience just keeps it going.

Of course such talk must me me a racist…

F’ck PC bullshyte.

Why should this label you a racist?

I’ve just found it’s the go to handle of woke folk whenever anything is discussed touching on race, and one’s response is to the right of demonizing Whites and lionizing everyone else.

Try posting on Politico sometime- as a thought experiment go slightly right of center about something…

Watch what happens.

I agree that the card is more often played disingenuously than accurately. It’s not a part of my vernacular,

Perhaps we should give them an attaboy for giving them the mother may I.

Exactly, it’s like posting left of center here.

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LOL- yeah, I’d have to agree…

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Ha ha! TDS is off the rails!:laughing:

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Go for it, impeach him.

Why wait for Christmas so Shifty can flood the media with biased information hoping to swing PUBIC opinion???