Official Coronavirus Thread - The Next Airborne Misery - Open General ☣

And I quote: : “Politicians have not missed a paycheck since lockdown began! We are all not in this together” -Van Morrison

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I’m not a Van Morrison fan, but I will back him 100% on this.

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Politicians don’t roll up their sleeves and go to war either. There’s lots of times they don’t have skin in the game. But then they haven’t had anything to do with so called “lockdowns” either…

I haven’t watched the video but the poor woman dead.
Obviously there are a lot of fake uploads on YTube to make it look like she’s still alive.
Obviously, a lot of money has been paid to her family to keep them quiet.

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No, she did not die. Where’s your evidence of that…?


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I don’t know either way but I certainly can’t be satisfied with a statement from the hospital to say all is well. It works for people like Monte who lap up all the MSM has to offer.

We owe it to these people to rise up, fight and resist all of this bollox.

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Spanish flu…
Killed more people than the war itself.
WWI was phony, so how more phony can the flu be?

I think the Spanish government should lodge a complaint to whatever organization for the term

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In order to make it look like the vaccine is working WHO now admits that the Covid test produces high rate of false positives

In other words, first use false positives to overstate the infections in order to create a case for vaccination, then say the vaccine is working because the infections are overstated by a defective test.

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That may be so Didge but my post was about the men that fought the war, they did so in the belief it was the right thing to do and to maintain our freedoms. Regardless of the legitimacy of any war, the men that are sent to do the dirty work do so for their families, friends & countrymen. At this moment in time we are again in a world war but not like any other and I personally feel it is very disrespectful to those that have already fallen for our freedom if we just stand by & let this nonsense happen. It was about poignancy, we are in the same position as those men, if we choose to do nothing their fight was in vain and the loss of our freedom will be the price for our future generation. I want my G/Kids and their kids to know I tried at the very least just as our fathers, G/fathers etc did before.


If the vaccine is about world depopulation, then why did Trump deliver it. Why did he rush the resources necessary for it through his OWS and become visibly angry anytime a journalist seems to suggest any credit for the vaccine to Biden…

Clearly Trump is a part of the Bill Gates/Soros conspiracy to depopulate the world…:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Yep me too